Summer Job (Vance, M!reader)

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I live in Australia and in cafes you go to the counter to order idk if it's different in America so :P

I had arrived at my lame ass summer job. Okay well it wasn't that bad I worked at a cafe and everyone I work with is nice. I didn't want to work on summer break but I need extra cash so it was worth it. I was halfway through my shift when Vance came in the cafe. He came up to the front counter to order. I was first at the counter so I was the one to take his order "Hi Vance what can I get ya?" I ask in a fake ass voice "can I get a pink lemonade and strawberry cream puff" he said in a soft voice, guy almost sounded embarrassed "really again?" I almost started laughing "what are you? Some fake ass rich girl?!" I now started to laugh a little. I know I know it's my work place and I shouldn't be wasting time but it was a slow work day so "Actually shut the fuck up" he was avoiding eye contact and his face was pink "no I won't. Vance hopper went from a mocha and plum cake and already fake ass rich girl order to one that is even more" I was laughing so hard but I had to try and contain it "shut up about it oh my god" he was smiling a little bit "okay well that's $10" he slid a 10 dollar bill on the counter "take a sit anywhere and you food will be out soon, sweetheart" I smirk as I walk off into the back to get his drink and all I hear is "oh fuck off!"
I come back out a little later with his drink and his food. I was quick to find where he sat down and quickly walked over to him. "And here is your food" I say as I place down his food and drink in front of him. He thanks me and I walk off back to the counter but as I'm walking I ruffle his hair. He pulls me back to where he is by that back of my apron "when your shift ends meet me at my place" he whispers to me and softly kisses my neck "not my fucken work place asshole but sure" I whisper back. He lets go of me and sits back back in his seat.


Requested by Jazzy_fucking_BiTcH

I tried my best but still came out trash 😭

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