Protect (Vance, M!reader)

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This story was requested by douevenloveme <33

Here are the triggers: H0m0phobia, slurs, blood, fighting, swearing

Vance has been standing at that pinball machine for a while now maybe an hour and I have been sitting next to the machine because I got bored of standing. I had been looking at Vance and admiring him and I don't think I realized how long I was actually looking at him until he speaks up "I know I'm cute no need to stare" When he says that it snaps me out of my trance like state with me covering my face and looking away. He smirks once he notices he got me flustered. Vance was one of a few people who knew I was into dudes. After a while of knowing he would find ways to get me flustered because he thought it was funny watching me get all giddy but also after he found out with certain things and people he got more protective.
Some guy came over and it was obvious he didn't come over here for a good reason "look its the town faggot!" I snap my head around to him. Im a sensitive person so I don't have much self confidence to stand up for myself. I look over at Vance and I can see that set something off in him. "What was that bitch?!" He immediately stops everything hes doing and spins around to look at him "what? You his boyfriend or something?" The guy snaps back.
Vance grabs the kid by his shirt and drags him outside. I quickly get up and follow them out because in case something happens I wanna be able to get Vance out of it. Vance had throw him onto the ground and started punching him in the face. After a while the kids face was covered in blood and so was Vances hand. I thought that was enough and quickly ran over to Vance and pulled him off the kid. "Vance thats enough" "No it isnt! He fucked with you!" He yelled. I sigh and while holding his arm I drag him far enough away from the convenience store that no one would see us. Vance had realized that I was really upset with him. He stops both of us in our tracks and places his hands on my hips and pulls me close. He does things to make me flustered but hes never done this "Look I'm sorry" Him saying this confused me "what?" "I said I'm sorry" after that he hugged me tightly "just.. dont do it again" "Cant promise shit" he and I laugh a small bit.
We stand there for a small while before he lets go. "Well I gotta go" he gives me a small kiss on the cheek before he leaves. Fuck hes hot

Sorry if its bad Im so sick while writing this

By the way i forgot to mention I am gay mlm I am allowed to write and say the f slur

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