Investigation With A Slice Of Debate

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Y/N POV: I looked right ahead to see the incinerator. I don't know one thing about counting accurately, but it's probably at least more than 5 feet away from the gate. Eh? Is it on right now? 

"Do you see the green and yellow buttons next to the mouth of the incinerator? It's a pretty simple setup. You press the green button to get it going, and the yellow button to turn it off. Sooner or later you'll be on cleaning duty, so make sure you learn this before you leave, okaaaAAAYYY!?!? Huh!? Someone turned the incinerator on! Very strange... I'm quite certain it was off last time I was down here. Perhaps it was the work of a fairy..." Hifumi sweat dropped. "Hifumi! Do you realize what you just said!?" Makoto asked the boy. "Huh? The fairy...?" Hifumi muttered, looking clueless. "...No. You said that last time you were here, the incinerator was off." Makoto reminded him. "Ah, yes. About that there can be no mistake. If I've got one thing going for me, it's my memory! Yesterday, as soon as I was appointed, I came down to check the place out. It definitely wasn't on then. I haven't been back to the trash room since then... And since I'm the only one who has a key to open the should be impossible for the incinerator to be on. And yet..." Hifumi muttered, looking a little nervous, giving himself a small pause before sighing. "This whole thing is quite strange, indeed... When I was here last, the incinerator was off, and those glass shards and burnt clothes weren't What does it all mean, Mr. Naegi!? Will you be confessing soon!?" Hifumi yelled at the boy. "Why me...?" Makoto muttered. "Everyone already knows you did it! All the mysteries are being solved one by one!" Hifumi exclaimed. It's almost like he's just trying desperately to live out his comic fantasies, it's...nearly charming in some way. 

Right next to the burnt shirt piece, there were a bunch of broken pieces of glass scattered around in front of the incinerator. Judging by how the shapes looked, it was probably once a glass ball just big enough to fit in the palm of your hand. "Ngyah! Is that...!?" Hifumi gasped out suddenly. "...Do you know what this is?" Makoto asked the boy. "They say if you collect all seven, a dragon will appear and grant you a single wish! Erm, kidding aside, it's the kind of thing you might see on any big-city street corner. Gaze into it, and it will show you a glimpse of the future... Just like that Meena girl who was on that quest to find that one guy!" Hifumi said. I kinda get what Hifumi is trying to say. But who did this ball even belong to...? Wait, I may actually know! Yes...that weird fellow, he looks like the kinda person who would own something as useless as this. 

Makoto then began to lead me out of the room, our next stop being the dining hall, upon entering there really wasn't anything out of the ordinary, well...maybe apart from the fact that Aoi was standing in the middle of the room. "Hello, Hina! Are you investigating the dining hall?" I asked the girl. "Oh, no. I'm just taking a break. Actually, I've been taking a break ever since we started... This is all a first for me, ya know? I don't have the first clue about what I should be doing." Aoi admitted. "Ya huh, I get that." I hummed in response. "And I dunno why, but being in the dining hall helps keep me calm. So I know I shouldn't, but I've just been kinda...hanging around here. To tell the truth...I was going the same thing last night, when Sayaka was killed..." Aoi chuckled. I waved goodbye to her as Makoto and I walked into the kitchen, immediately walking to the knives hanging on the walls. However, I couldn't help but notice that the second largest one was missing. "So, looks like we know where our murder weapon came from, huh?" I told Makoto. "I'd just like to make sure that the knives weren't always like that, we should probably ask Aoi about it." Makoto told me. "Hm, I think that's just a waste of time, but sure." I agreed, walking with Makoto out of the kitchen and back into the actual dining hall, where Aoi was. 

"Hey, so...did you notice that one of the kitchen knives is missing from the dining hall?" Makoto asked the girl. "Yeah, weird huh? I thought it was kinda strange, a knife just suddenly disappearing like that." Aoi said. "Oh, so it wasn't missing from the beginning?" Makoto questioned. "Nope. Last I remember, they were all lined up in a nice, neat row." Aoi said. "So...when did you notice one of them had disappeared?" I asked her. "Well, I went to go get some tea from the kitchen last night, and all the knives were still there. But when I finished my tea and went back into the kitchen to wash my of the knives was gone." Aoi explained. "So you're saying the knife disappeared while you were drinking your tea in the dining hall?" Makoto said. "Yeah..." Aoi muttered. I do find it a little hard to believe that someone could just waltz right through the dining hall and into the kitchen to grab a knife without being noticed, however, I guess one trustable thing that Aoi said is that at least she didn't see Makoto do all that, and hopefully that'll be enough to sway everyone's minds that Makoto isn't the killer. "Hey, by the way... Makoto, did you really kill Sayaka?" Aoi asked the boy.

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