Investigation 2

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I didn't wanna look at Makoto for any longer out of fear that I say something that's probably better off unsaid and decided to make conversation with Mondo and Sakura. 

"I realized somethin' while I was guardin' the room... Ain't it possible the culprit's already destroyed evidence? Like, before we found the body... There's a garbage room here in the dorms. Could probably take care of it there..." Mondo pointed out. "Hmm, I guess you could." I responded. "Sonuvabitch! Either way, my big bro taught me never to forgive anyone who'd lay a hand on a woman. Said they deserved certain death. So whoever ofted Maizono's gettin' their fuckin' head smashed in!" Mondo exclaimed, an intense expression plastered on his face. "Haha! A respectable man I see, but...what if the killer is female?" I asked Mondo. "...I'll cross that bridge when I get to it." Mondo muttered. "Ah, Oogami, do you think Makoto did it, too?" I asked the much...much taller girl. "Mysteries... I do have not the skills for such. Whether or not Makoto is the culprit...I do not know. I will abide by everyone's conclusion, whatever that may be." Sakura said, looking the other way. "Ah, I see..." I mumbled, trying to direct my attention to something else. The next thing that caught my eye was the marks on the wall...and all over Makoto's bed. "So, were you able to find anything?" Makoto asked me. "By my calculations...a struggle definitely took place in this room." I concluded. Makoto stared at the wall behind me, a complex expression on his face. 

"Uh...are you okay-" "Dammit... I was in the next room. If I had only noticed!" Makoto yelled, looking genuinely upset. "That is unreasonable." Sakura said. "Huh?" Makoto muttered. "Were you not informed? These rooms are completely soundproof. Which is to say, even in the adjacent room, you would be unable to hear anything. Perhaps this is part of Monokuma's plan. To create an environment perfect for murder..." Sakura theorized. 

Makoto just looked down, still looking rather distraught, the reason? I have no idea. Near the wall was the gilded practice sword, or at least that's what it would've been if the sword hadn't removed from it, so right now it's just the scabbard. Upon further inspection, it looks like it was used during the struggle. "Huh?" Makoto muttered, I looked to my left to see Makoto inspecting the scabbard a little closer than I was. "There are marks on the scabbard like it's been slashed with a blade or something... But why... Why would there be slash marks on the scabbard?" Makoto questioned. Eh, I'd prefer not to think about it too much, no one can be drop-dead gorgeous and be smart at the same time, but I'm sure if I tried, I could probably pull it off. 

To the right of the bed sat a lint cleaner, oddly enough though, it was running low on tape. Pft- pretty sure Sayaka cleaned Makoto's room right on discovering how messy it was. Next walking up to the desk that Makoto had in his room I opened a drawer, seeing a toolbox that was still sealed shut. I guess that I can understand, for what reason would Makoto need to use tools? Even if he did, I'm sure he wouldn't know how to use them. 

"You think so too?" Mondo said from across the room to Makoto, making me turn my head to look at them in curiosity. "Haven't used it either? Yeah, it's not like what you'd use for construction or carpentry..." Mondo told the boy. "You haven't either, Oowada?" Makoto said. "Ain't just me. None of the other guys have. We were just talkin' about it yesterday. None of the guys've used their toolsets. Well, no shit, I guess..." Mondo grumbled. I turned my head back around to check the desk one more time, sitting on it was a notepad but by the looks of it, it didn't look all that important. "Hey, uh, Kirigiri... What...are you doing?" Makoto asked the girl, I turned around fully to observe Kyoko kneeling down, poking at the ground, or at least that's what it looked like to me. "Isn't it obvious?" Kyoko questioned. "No, not really..." Makoto admitted. "Investigating." Kyoko responded blandly. "Investigating?" Makoto muttered. Kyoko looked as if she was doing her best to observe every inch of the room. "Did you lose a contact?" Makoto asked the girl. Kyoko never responded to him, probably just super focused or something, my brother does the exact same thing. 

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