Hair tie (Billie)

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Hello, first song is 🎶Hair Tie by SKYLAR🎶
I have no idea where this idea came from but let's do it 😁

TW: Alcohol, cheating
(Y/z/s) =your zodiac sign....

Y/n's POV ~~~

"I NEED TO PEE!" I yelled at my friends waving at them running.

Gotta pee gotta pee! Oh god! I turn the corner expecting the line that will put my bladder to its ultimate test...nothing.

My lucky day, thank you pee gods! I'll say a prayer after I release in the bowl and not the floor.

I ran into the stall tugging and my dress with might!

I finally release my sigh, HA! THANK YOU!

Accompanied by the sound of me, I can hear the muffled music and sniffling?

"Hello?" I ask finishing my pee. The sniffling and crying momentarily stops? Until I hear a choke, the person failed to hold back.

I get out washing my hands and look at the bottom half of the stall.

"Anyone in here?" I hear the crying get stronger as I walk to the end of them. I see a pair of red bottom heels resting on the floor.

"I'm fine?" The women behind the dingy door peeps.

"Are you asking?" I giggle, leaning against the door, mistake because it was indeed not locked.

The door smacks against the wall, I start to free fall trying to catch my feet.

I fall side ways tumbling onto the poor blonde who was sitting on the floor resting with her head in her hands.

Her hands comes and grab onto my waist trying to steady me. I mange to catch the wall with my hands thanks to her support.

"Sorry" I mumble trying to not completely totally embarrass myself more than I have.

I straighten out before sitting on the floor beside her.

"So blondie what's got you having a bad case of sloppy drunk tears?" I ask sitting crisscrossed resting my chin in my palms smiling.

"I came here finding out recently that my boyfriend is cheating on me with one of my friends. I came here to forget but I can't."

Ah shit...

"Girl we don't cry over guys here, especially the trash human kind."

"I wore this little black dress for him before I left and got nothing so stupid. God it's been a year you would think he cared or at least miss me, Does he miss me even?"

"Your too pretty to cry, find another, who knows he's probably got an even fitter brother." I tease pulling her up.

She follows getting up, " I am a mess, I'll just leave, thank you by the way-"

"Oh no, you are going to go out there and dance, come hang out with me. Here." I grab the hair elastic off my wrist and fix her hair.

As I fix her hair I give her a little pep talk, she starts to laugh wiping away her tears.

I basically just shit on this man who I never met but know enough to know he doesn't deserve the time of day.

"Let your hair down in the morning, we can dance until the dawn. Come on you look stunning, quite a catch I would say blondie."

"Thank you, I'm Billie." She laughs, "you are not to bad yourself doll."

"Ooo I like doll, I might not tell you my name just so I can keep hearing it." I tease, Billie rolls her eyes grabbing my hand.

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