I cant do this -Juan

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Me and Juan who is my boyfriend were sitting down on my couch together, watching TV. We've been dating for a good time now.

In the middle of the Movie, Juan just gets up and starts walking away. "Where are you going?" I ask. "Why do you wanna know? I'm leaving." Juan says. "Why? Where are you leaving to?" I ask.

"Its none of your business leave me alone!" He yells. "Why are you yelling?" I ask. I was calm my voice was quiet and he just started yelling.

"Because you are getting on my nerves now bye." He answers. "Juan why are you always so distant and mean you were never like this." I say. "Why are you in my way?" He asks, this time in a calmer tone.

"Are you cheating or something?" I ask. "No I could never." He raises his voice again. "Then why are you being distant and mean?" "Why are you annoying and bothering me?"

Wow. So he thinks I'm annoying. I roll my toung. "Ok. If I'm so annoying then get a new girlfriend who's not." I say. "Ok then I will." He says.

"Alright. Then we're done. I don't very want to see you come here again and I don't want to see your face. EVER." I say.

"Feelings mutual. I'm out." He says. I hear the door open and close. Wow I can not believe this happened. I turned my TV off then ran upstairs.

I wanted to cry but I didn't. It was mostly my fault. Who am I kidding if was my fault. I was too annoying and I told him to get a new girlfriend. I soon felt myself drifting off to sleep.


I woke up then it hit me. I was on the same soccer team as Juan. Great. Just great. I broke up with the boy who I thought I could spend the rest of my life with and I was still on the same soccer team as him.

It was a Sunday and the school was closed so I couldn't just go in there and quit. I had to wait. I started to get anxious.

I just got some food and ice cream and ate the pain away.


I woke up and realized that it was a school day and soccer practice. Though I'm not going because I'm quitting the team.

Once I got into the kitchen I didn't see my mom. She must've already left for work.

I took a shower then got dressed and ate some breakfast. I brushed my teeth then I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door.

There I was at the entrance of the school. Juan's here too. I wanted to dig myself a hole, go inside of it, and burry myself. But I couldn't. I soon had enough courage to walk into the school. I got into class and sat next to my best friend Larry.

We did our handshake, still in our seat and once we were done we looked up to the front of the class. "We broke up." I told Larry. "What? Why you guys were perfect together." Larry says. "Well he started yelling at me especially when I asked him why he was being mean and distant. I told him to just go and get another girlfriend and he said he would so we broke up." I say.

"I didn't mean it. I just wanted him to realize he was being mean and it was making me uncomfortable." I rant.

"Im sorry. I mean I never really liked Juan anyways. Anyways why didn't you tell me he was being mean to you?" He asks.

"Well I thought that me and Juan could talk it out. Without him getting mad. And didn't you just say me and Juan were perfect together?" I ask.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I like Juan." Larry answers, causing me to laugh.

The door opens and there he was. I turn and look out of the window just so I wouldn't look at him and break down in tears. After a while I look back to the teacher. The teacher started on her lectures and someone touches my shoulder. "Look." Nick says. I look to where he was pointing.

It was Juan. He was sitting next to Kate. Of course. He would do this just to make a jealous. It was working. I scoff and turn back to the teacher. "You guys broke up didn't you?" Nick asks. "Mhm." I reply.

Nick left me alone after that. After the bell ring Miss Anna continued talking as the kids were hurring to go to recess.

I didn't hurry though. I need to stay to talk to her. Once everyone left Miss Anna looked at me. "Y/n why aren't you going to recess with your friends?" She asks. "Well I needed to talk to you." I say. "Okay well what do you need?"  She asks.

I can't do this.

"To quit the team." I say. "Why would you want to quit the team? You're great at the game. You should be a professional." She says.

"Well its just problems that I have. Problems that I have with someone on the team more specifically." I say. "You're breaking my heart. But if you would like to quit the team then you can. Go ahead to recess now." Miss Anna says. "Alright. Thank you." I say nodding my head.

It was breaking my heart to see a frown on Miss Anna's face. I went to recess and went over to Larry and the rest of the guys. "Hey guys." I say. "Hey why didn't you come with the rest of us?" Evan asks. "Well I needed to ask Miss Anna about something on the homework. Then I had to go to the bathroom." I lie.

"Oh okay." The boys say. I felt bad for lying to them I just couldn't tell them that I quit the team. At least not yet.


It was about 7:30 and I had just finished dinner. I got a call on my phone and answered it. "Hello?" I say. "Why did you quit the team?" The other person on the line says. "Larry?" I ask. "No. Its Juan." They say. It felt like I had just went on a roller coaster. "Why do you think I quit the team?" I say then hang up.

The phone rings again, I answer. "You quit the team!? Why?" Someone yells. Now I know this is Larry. "Because Juans in it, Larry. Juans on the team."

Omg I hope yall like this and big thanks to @random_stories99 for requesting this. I hope it was to your liking if its not, I will definitely make changes. Thank you guys for reading.  Byeeee❤

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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