Chapter 11: We Live and We Learn

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The group made their way back to Eddie's trailer to go into the gate and into the Upside Down. Armed with their weapons and gear they were ready to take on Vecna to save Max and Eddie from what they were going through.

"Alright, Robin, Steve and I will be at the Creel house, ready to set Vecna on fire. Eddie and Dustin, you know what to do to distract the demobats. Lucas, you stay with Max and Erica, you initiate the plan. Kate, you keep an eye out for anything crazy that might happen with the gate and bats," Nancy finished. Everyone nodded in agreement

One by one the group who was going into the Upside Down, climbed the rope that hung in Eddie's living room. "Alright, let's go," Steve said.

"Be safe Wallace. I love you," Eddie said.

"You too Munson. I love you too," she replied. Eddie and Dustin stayed at the trailer as Kate walked off with the rest of the group into the Upside Down. She stationed herself in the woods outside of where Eddie's trailer was and where Nancy, Robin and Steve had to enter the Creel house.

She heard her walkie talkie crackle to life as Erica began to initiate stage one of the plan.

Kate heard the music in the distance and then saw hundreds of bats fly overhead in the direction of where Dustin and Eddie were.

"Please be safe," she whispered to herself. As she watched the bats, she heard Erica initiate stage 2 of the plan.

Things began to happen as lightning crashed around them. What Kate didn't know was that Erica had been caught by Jason and his friends and Nancy, Robin and Steve were trapped in Vecna's tentacles.

Eddie and Dustin had gotten back inside the trailer just in time for the demobats to attack around them.  Bats started piercing the ceiling as they tried to fight them off.  Dustin ran over to the sheet that hung into the real Hawkins as Eddie followed, but as Dustin went through, Eddie had an epiphany. He cut the sheet and went to buy more time for his friends. 

"Hello? Hello?" Kate said into the walkie talkie. No answer from anyone. She went running back towards where Eddie and Dustin were at his trailer.

"Eddie, Eddie," she heard Dustin cry out. She saw him kneeling down beside something as she went running over. Eddie was lying on the ground, the bites from the demobats had torn him apart. Dustin took him in his arms as Kate knelt on the other side of them and began to cry as she noticed Dustin was doing the same.

"I didn't run this time," Eddie said with a smile. "I love you man."

"I love you too," Dustin replied. Dustin looked over at Kate who held Eddie's hand as he hobbled away.

"I think I can still make that prom," he choked out as blood fell from his mouth and tears streamed down his cheeks.

"You don't look so bad," Kate replied, trying to hold it together the best she could.

"I love you Kate," he said.

"I love you too Eddie, forever." She kissed his forehead as she watched the one boy she ever loved die in her arms.

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