Good Nights Sleep

59 1 0

She/Her pronouns

Written and posted on 23/08/22

"Couldn't find anywhere better Olly could you."

Y/n sighed as she flopped down onto the squeaky, slightly falling apart double bed. Oliver and Y/n were on a mission on the outskirts of Starlight city and they needed a place to stay for a night to get some rest and go over their plan. 

Y/n however made the mistake of letting the non picky arrow choose their hotel. If you could even call it that. Oliver glanced over at her not even raising an eyebrow. 

"I'm sure you'll survive a couple hours here, you were captive in a flooded sewer for 3 hours before. Get working on your gear check."

"Oliver if you were any more boring I would physically throw myself off the top of this building head first." Y/n replied getting up and walking behind him. While he was distracted she swiped the arrow out of his hand and held it away from him. " Anyways we need to get some rest before tomorrow. I can already tell it's going to be a hell of a job and it's difficult working with you when you don't get enough sleep because you act like such a grouch."

Oliver folded his arms and just blankly stared at her. "Have you finished insulting me to make yourself feel better or is there more?" He asked in a monotone voice.

Y/n smiled and handed him the arrow back. "I'm finished but seriously though I need sleep and so do you- by the way where is the couch?" She stopped and looked around the room mid sentence. The room itself was shabby. Peeling wallpaper, rusty windows that didn't open ,yet the room still felt like someone dropped a ton of dry ice in there and the cherry on top was the double bed shoved into the corner of the room, with the thinnest duvet sheets ever seen.

Oliver looked around the room too. " I didn't bother to check the furniture in the room when I checked in" he said sarcastically. "Clearly" Y/n huffed.

I could offer to sleep on the floor but I'm not risking a bug crawling into my ears when I sleep thanks. Ugh typical Oliver, able to do the most complicated and terrifying jobs but can't even do things as simple as booking a decent-

Y/n's thoughts were interrupted by a hand on her shoulder. 

"Sorry to burst your little mind bubble, but there's only one place to sleep tonight and we're looking at it. Unless you want me to sleep on the rotting floorboards?" Oliver asked Y/n. She thought about saying yes for a second but decided to be mature about it. For once.

She sighed "No it's fine. You keep to your side and I'll keep to mine. I'm calling shotgun on the left side!" She grinned. 

Obviously this wasn't a cosy get away so there was no pyjamas, instead Y/n stripped down to her leggings and sports bra. While Oliver was just in his t-shirt and pants.

Y/n slipped under the thin sheets immediately and turned away from Oliver. It had been a long day so she started drifting off after about a minute. 

Half asleep she grumbled " Keep your...hands to yourrrr....self.."

Oliver smirked to himself. " I wouldn't dream of it"

Neither would she except the cold was starting to get to her. About an hour after Y/n fell asleep she woke up shivering. 

"Fucksake" She cursed under her breath. She could barely see Oliver from the dim street light coming through the window but it looked like he was asleep.

She tried going deeper into the covers and tossed and turned but no matter what she could feel the cold getting to her. So much for a good nights sleep she thought. 

Suddenly she felt a warm arm snake around her waist, and she was pulled against his chest.

"Oliver?! I thought you were-"

"- Shut up. You're the one who wanted us to get a good nights sleep and I can't do that with you practically shaking next to me. Just go back to sleep." He interrupted you in a half asleep voice. 

Y/n didn't say anything but just relaxed into him. She was pretty glad he couldn't see her face at that moment because she has the biggest grin stuck to her. He had his arm around her, and basically she was the little spoon. 

But she was not complaining at all, and that's how it stayed all night. 

At some point in her sleep Y/n turned her body to face Oliver's and practically buried her head into his chest. Mr Arrow himself got a lot less sleep lets just say, but he didn't regret a bit of it. Oliver would never admit it to himself or anybody else but he had a soft spot for Y/n. She knew him better than anyone and he found it easier to be around her than the rest of his crew. 

He ran his fingers through her hair and got a little sleepy hum of approval. He stayed holding her like that all night until 6 in the morning. 

He slid out of bed as to not wake up sleeping beauty, and he went to go see if he could find any food for a quick breakfast. By the time he returned Y/n was awake and fully suited up, ready for the days mission. Neither of them spoke, Oliver just held out a cup of coffee for her and she smiled and took it. She took a sip then looked back him. 

"You're such a little softie you know what" She giggled and walked back to the bed.

Oliver huffed " Hearing you say that makes me wish I let you die of hyperthermia" .

"Ah ah ah but you didn't did you - We should do this again sometime Olly"  Y/n winked and finished her coffee.

She was ready to take on 40 meta humans after last nights events.


I hope you guys enjoyed this, sorry it any of it was a cringe I decided to write this late at night so here i am at almost 3 am dreaming of the Green Arrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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