You come'n to the game 2night?

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POV: Sofia
I woke up and got ready. Today I'm a little slower. Eliot left after lunch and I haven't talked to her since. I walked downstairs to my mom greeting me. My dad leaves early for work so I don't see him until I get home, or I don't see him.

"Hey hon. What's with the long face?" My mom asks. She walks over and rubs my shoulder. "Oh nothing." I said putting on a fake smile. "Ok!" She says going back to her laptop. "Oh I made some breakfast. Please go and take some before you leave." She said. "Oh and someone is outside for you." She said raising her brows. I rolled my eyes walking over to the plate of pancakes. I eat pancakes with my hands, what about it. I wonder who could be outside. Well only two people tbh. Eliot or Brady. I grab my bag and walk outside to the car parked in front of my house. It Brady.

"Hey babe I-" I cut him off by slapping him. "Don't call me babe, or sweetie, or your girlfriend, or anything like that. I'm braking up with you for real." I yelled at him. I crossed my arms and waited for an answer. "I uh..." he stuttered. "Well if you have nothing to say then goodbye" I say. I narrow my eyes and wave. He starts getting in his car then stops when he hears another car behind him.

Eliot. I hear Brady scoff but I walk over to her, a smile on my face. "Hey can you give me a ride?" I ask. "Why do you think I'm here?" She says with a laugh that makes me smile even more. "Come on get in." She says and I do so. Brady drives off and a little after we do too.

"Did you slap him?" She asks leaving over so keeping her eyes on the road. My eyes widen and as if she can sense it she chuckles.

We get to school and exit the car together. I don't know why but when I'm near her I feel so happy. Kinda got I used to with Brady. But with him it fizzled out when I got to know him. I just hope that doesn't happen now. I like Eliot- as a friend- and would hate to lose her.


It's a passing period now and me and Eliot are just taking. We close out lockers and walk part a group of girl. They're telling about the game tonight. The game I'll be cheering at. "Oh uh, Eli!" I say dropping out old conversation. "Hmm?" She says putting her as attention on me. "You coming to the game tonight?" I ask. She thinks for a moment. "Maybe" She shrugs. "Aww come on. I'll be cheering~! You can support me." I say putting my stem song here shoulder. "Mmmmm..." she starts in a high pitched voice. "I'll think about it." She deadpans. "Ughh" I'd all I can say to that, which makes her laugh. I bump her side and she laughs harder. We just go back to our old conversation and walk to class.


We're in our language class. I vote Japanese freshman year so Eliot takes Japanese too. The teachers name is Mrs. Sandra but she asked us to call her Mrs. S. "Ok now can everyone count to ten in Japanese?...Yes ok let count." She said. I lol down and started counting, not really paying attention. "Ichi, ni, san, yon, go, roku...." I trailed off when I felt my phone buzz. I opened it under the table to see it was Brady. I rolled my eyes. Then I got another text. Eliot. I smiled and looked up at her. I looked back down at my phone to see what she said.

Eli ☆彡:  
Who's texting ya?

I smiled at that. And texted my answer back.

Brady. Didn't read it.
It's prob just him asking for forgiveness again...

Eli ☆彡:
Aw 🥲
Well it's good u didn't text him
U need to pay attention in class 🙃

Ha ha.

I looked at her while I put my phone in my bag. She smiled and rolled her eyes. She put her phone down and focused back on the teacher. I don't know how she didn't notice us but whatever.

Soon class was over and it was lunch time. Me and Eliot walked out together and walked to the cafeteria together. When we got inside we sat at my friends table. They all loved her and hated Brady for what he said and did. I'm so glad my friends aren't horrible. That'd just be a lame story.

A kid I know as Max walked into the cafeteria and towards us. He sat beside Eliot and started a conversation with her. For some reason I felt a sting in my chest as they talked but I chalked that is to heartburn. What? School food isn't the healthiest.

"Hey, by the way there's this hang out...kinda party thing happening tonight after the game. Wanna come?" He asked her. She looked at me like I was supposed to give an answer. I just smiled at her. "Sure." She answered nodding. "Y'all are obviously also invited." He said waving his arms around the table with a chuckle. He waved bye and left. He didn't eat lunch, wonder if he's in a club.

The bell rang a little later and we got walking to our next class, gym.

"Hey if I go to that thing tonight, would you come with me?" I heard her ask. I turned to her as we walked. She was looking down, almost embarrassed. "Of course. I was going to go anyways. But that might mean you have to come to the game~" I said putting my hands on her shoulders leaning towards her. "We'll see." She said a small smirk now on her face.

I wonder what is up with Max? He seems sus, just me 🤨? Also if ur like "Goose why are you asking? Are you spoiling it for us, hmm?" Well the answer to that is....I have no ending for this book. So when I add characters I have like- a small background to them. I barely know what I'm doing with the main girls. So the next chapters aren't just surprises for you 😭.
Anyyywayyysssss (;▽;)....
Stay hydrated, happy, and healthy
Love, Goosey <3

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