Chapter 11 - Little Moments

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I have seen him around alot, but never really worked with his directly.

"Oh, don't worry about him, he is really cool." Rafael says, referring to the other doctor who smiles and looks back at his chart.

"I told you to stop talking like that." i utter.

"My birthday is just around the corner, then i will be legal and you won't have to feel ashamed of us anymore." he says.

"Is this kid bothering you." the other doctor asks me with a smile, as he puts his pen in his pocket, and chart under his arm pit.

"Back off Dr Toscano.. this one is already taken"Rafael continues.

"Yes...when is he leaving." i say to the doctor in sarcasm.

"Tomorrow." he says.

"Aww..that's great..right." i say, but then notice that he doesn't seem excited about it.

"Yeah, i guess." Rafael responds, his humor and sarcasm gone.

I know It's how he processes his emotions, and sadness, by hiding it under humor and jokes.

"C'mon, isn't this can go home..get your life back." i say, walking closer to him.

"I know and I'm grateful for that, i really's just that, it's been much has changed..i will never get my life back, and all my dreams, it's too late to pursue those.... especially now with all the rules i have to follow now, it will be months before i can get it together again." he says lowly.

"So start a new me, you will figure it out, you are too smart not to." i say.

"Will you visit me?" he asks, his naughty smile returning and i roll my eyes.

"Bye Rafael." i mutter, turning back.

"Hey, will i see you before i leave tomorrow?" he asks loudly.

"Maybe..bye." i say over my shoulder, leaving him with the other doctor.

It's always the same, every time i leave his room, i'm always mumbling something over my shoulder at him.

I will surely miss having him around, he always brightened up my day with his craziness.


After a long tiring day, i finally get home and go straight to bed as soon as i get home.

I wake up pretty early the following morning and immediately reach for my phone.

It's still very early in the morning but there is a message from Aaron.

It's a short message and i can read the whole text over the pop up screen.

'Good morning.'

It was sent at 5:02am and i'm genuinely surprised he is up so early.

'Good morning.' i simply respond too.

His reply is almost instant.

'Video call?'

I immediately touch my face.


I just woke up.

I run my fingers through my hair, then reply.


A few seconds later, my phone rings.

'Hi.' He says when i accept the video call.

'H, i'm still in bed.' i murmur, pressing my head further into the pillow, as i hold the phone up to capture my face.

I can see his head and upper chest.

Diamond Heart 💎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang