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(Y/N) had hidden his sketchbook as soon he could after Panty and Stocking appeared on the couch next to him. Unfortunately, he was not fast enough.
Before either sister could make any kind of comment, Garterbelt started going on about something. "Angels, we have once again been blessed with God's holy words," he pulled a scrap of paper out of a vinyl album cover. He waved the paper in the trio's faces, revealing the word on it to be 'music'. "You are once again tasked with hunting and destroying a ghost! Try not to fuck up and teach (Y/N) the ropes while you're at it!"

It didn't exactly take long for the ghost, or ghosts, to be found as they were playing instruments while riding around Daten City on a bike. "These idiots look pretty weak," Panty said helpfully as she drove See-Through alongside the comically long bicycle. The angel aimed her gun in the general direction of the ghosts and fired several times with no effect (read: she missed), proving her wrong.
Stocking attempted to slash at the ghosts from the passenger seat, only for Panty to conveniently swerve See-Through away from the bike. Now annoyed, she plopped back into her seat with her arms crossed.
Realizing that the current situation was overly complicated by a lack of common sense, (Y/N) transformed his short glove and threw it at the ghost who was driving the bike. This had the desired outcome of stopping the bike and the undesired effect of the transformed glove seemingly vanishing into thin air. Not wanting to go through losing one or both gloves again, (Y/N) jumped out of See-Through and rushed over to the tangled mess of ghosts and bicycle.
With the short glove back in his possession, (Y/N) put the squirming ghosts out of their misery using his transformed long glove. By the time he was up to the last ghost, the Anarchy sisters had noticed the lack of his presence and turned around to find him. Unfortunately for them, the church bell rang out through the city as they ran up to (Y/N) with their weapons drawn.
Stocking groaned at Panty, "Why'd you have to not notice (Y/N) jumping out of See-Through, bitch? We missed the fight!"
"Didn't miss much," (Y/N) muttered. "Presented 'emselves on a silver platter." Uninterested in whatever (Y/N) had said, Panty bent down, plucking two Heaven Coins from the floor. "Why do all these ghosts have to be so cheap?"
"Shut up, bitch, you didn't even do anything!"
"Jeez, calm your tits, Stockin'!"
Finding a level of caring about the argument unfolding between Panty and Stocking similar in size to that of Panty's impressment in the ghosts' strength, (Y/N) decided to walk home. It was probably faster than waiting for the argument to end and he wanted to come up with names for his gloves that were more original than 'Stripe 1' and 'Stripe 2'.

"Uzun and Kiska it is," (Y/N) mumbled after spending a bit too much time on Google Translate and noticing that he was nearing the church. The sound of a car engine suddenly filled his ears and, not wanting to repeat the events that occurred several days ago, (Y/N) barely managed to leap out of the way of See-Through.
Ignoring Panty's comment about being slow when he opened the front door, (Y/N) made his way to his room. The musical ghosts from earlier had gotten the concept of music stuck in his head, along with a newfound desire to listen to some music. Upon entering his room, (Y/N) came to the conclusion that his desire was God's command as there was a pair of wired earphones laying on his bed.

Several hours of music listening and meal skipping later, (Y/N) decided to go on an adventure for some snacks. He was not paying attention to his surroundings when he did so which resulted in a loud bang on Stocking's door and a few stubbed toes.
Stocking swung her door open to see (Y/N) hopping around while clutching his foot. "...Did you need something?"
With a shake of his head, (Y/N) answered, "Wasn't looking where I was going and stubbed my toes..." Stocking attempted to contain her laughter at his misfortune and noticed the earphones dangling from (Y/N)'s head.
"Listening to anything good?"
He shrugged. "Dunno if you'd like it."
Taking this as a challenge, Stocking held a hand out for an earphone and (Y/N) complied after wiping it on his shirt just in case.
Neither Stocking nor (Y/N) had taken into consideration the fact that they had to stand quite close to each other in order to share the earphones. This ended up being a bad thing when Panty suddenly appeared in the hallway. With a smug grin, she asked, "am I interrupting something?"
Stocking rolled her eyes. "No shit! Now fuck off, I can't hear the music!"
"What if I want to listen as well?"
"You'd have a chance to if you didn't keep turning (Y/N) off!"
The man in question had left stealthily with the sole motivation of not being the subject of an argument driving him outside and into Daten City for a walk.

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