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A/N: Yeah, that's right. I'm starting with a title drop in chapter one. Deal with it.
(Y/N) could never catch a break. Living with parents on the verge of divorcing had made his life difficult from day one. Unfortunately, these difficulties carried over to school. It was now, at age seventeen, after failing his midterm exams and his precious gloves, sketchbook and pencils being KIA during a parental fight at some point, that he decided to run away. This choice was made, however, seconds before leaving with no plans or belongings.

With several new firsts under his belt, such as fighting with a stay cat over a sandwich, (Y/N) found himself crossing a road. He would have been successful in completing this task if he hadn't stepped in a mysterious white liquid that had effectively glued his shoe to the road. This wouldn't have been a problem if there wasn't a pink car belonging to a certain angelic duo barreling towards him at twice the speed limit. It was downtown Daten City, after all.

Panty and Stocking were known by everyone in Daten City, along with their rather... crude tendencies. Because of this, it came as no surprise to (Y/N) when he could finally make out the Anarchy sisters arguing about something which distracted Panty, who was driving, from performing said task.
When (Y/N) realized that he would be run over if he didn't do anything, he began to fumble with his shoelaces. If his mind was clear, he would've been able to escape. Unfortunately for him, he was in the middle of a particularly bad bout of depression caused by the stress and anxiety of his less than desirable life. This resulted in the inevitable, with (Y/N) getting a very close look at See-Through's bumper.

Stocking was not in a good mood for several reasons:
1. Garterbelt had rudely awoken her, and Panty, at a completely unreasonable time (read: before 8AM).
2. Because of reason one, she wasn't able to consume her morning sweets.
3. The idiot Panty ran over the previous evening was out cold on their couch.
In order to vent some of her frustration, she beat up Chuck as he was the closest breakable object within reach. Chuck being too stupid to actually die did little to lighten her mood.
"Good morning, Angels." Garterbelt strained to refrain from calling them some rather offensive names.
"Why's he here? Are you giving him to me?" Panty asked sleepily.
"No, dumbass! (Y/N)'s here because God decided you need to take responsibility for your actions!"
Stocking groaned. "Then why am I here? Panty's the bitch who ran over him, not me!" She tried to storm off to her room but was interrupted by the sudden bulging of her cheeks. Spitting out and unfurling the scrap of paper God had kindly placed in the angel's mouth revealed a single word. 'Stay'.
Stocking made another loud noise of discontentment before kicking the couch, waking up (Y/N). Upon seeing the Anarchy sisters, he glanced down at his feet. Satisfied with what he saw, (Y/N) looked around the room he found himself in and asked, "Where am I?"
"Daten City's church," Garterbelt answered before Panty and/or Stocking could do anything to (Y/N). "It looks like God has decided that you don't deserve to be run over by Panty and has given you a second chance."
"...A second chance?" (Y/N) noticed a scrap of paper in his hand. "Angel," he read.
"It seems that you have been revived as an angel and God has sent you to assist Stocking in assisting Panty in returning to heaven."
(Y/N)'s face paled. "You mean I have to fight ghosts?" Garterbelt nodded. "But I can't fight!"
"Your weapons will take care of that for you."
It was only now that (Y/N) noticed he was wearing his precious gloves again, except one was longer than the other. As if they were listening to the conversation, the gloves started glowing, causing (Y/N) to jump off the couch. When the light faded, he had two katanas sheathed at his hips. They were more culturally accurate and less stylized than Stocking's, as one of them was shorter than the other.
Both Panty and Stocking appeared to be as surprised as (Y/N). Panty recovered first and, with newfound interest, threw herself at him. "It must be tough being thrown into a new body. I can help you adjust to it, if you like," she said seductively while tracing the side of (Y/N)'s face with her fingers. Now very overwhelmed by the situation at hand, (Y/N) attempted to hide behind the couch but Stocking was standing there so he settled for crouching on the floor behind her.
Stocking didn't really know what to do about (Y/N) and chose to do something about him later, instead taking the chance to poke fun at her sister. "Did you just get rejected?"
"Wha-? No! (Y/N) is just scared of his new powers, that's all, bitch!"
"More like scared of you!"
"I'm not scary! Right, (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) ignored Panty, remaining on the floor with his arms wrapped around his knees. Stocking turned around and waved a hand in his face. When he didn't respond, she knelt down to shove a fist in his face more easily and caught him murmuring. Something about not being good enough and wanting to stay dead instead of being confused.
By now, Panty was next to (Y/N) and she also heard his murmuring. "Garterbelt! What's wrong with him?" She wasn't exactly impressed with how (Y/N) was acting.
"I did! You just stopped listening to me!"
Garterbelt sighed. "He has depression. Make sure you take care of him. That means no calling him a bitch, by the way!"
Panty rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now what do we do, Stockin'?" Distracted by her interrogation of Garterbelt, Panty was surprised when she turned back to Stocking and (Y/N). She was offering him a slice of cake. Panty was about to question why Stocking decided to be nice until she said something to (Y/N).
"Eat the cake, bitch." She wasn't being completely nice, which satisfied Panty's unasked question.
Unlike Panty, someone was definitely not satisfied, "Stocking! Did you hear a single thing I just said?!"
"He hasn't told me to stop so it's fine." She was proven wrong when (Y/N) muttered something about being unsurprised that he was actually a bitch, not an angel, and that he was pathetic enough to be babied. "Oh. Whoops." There was no remorse in her voice or expression.

(Y/N) didn't know when or how it happened but he was standing in front of the open door to a room across the hall from Panty and Stocking's rooms. Assuming it was his, he entered and his eyes were pulled to a desk. On this desk was a sketchbook, pencil and eraser. Now reunited with his favourite, yet only, form of emotional release, he got to work.

Panty was frustrated. After sitting through a meal with not one but two Emos, she had snuck into (Y/N)'s room in search of something interesting. There was something interesting in the form of a suspicious looking book on the desk. In that book she found drawings. Dark drawings. Very dark drawings. Suddenly, her wrist was in a lot of pain.
"Put the book down," a voice growled at her, completely unlike the one she heard that morning. The grip on her wrist tightened, forcing her to drop the suspicious book. "Leave." She didn't even get the chance to walk out by herself before being placed in front of a slamming door.
Unamused by how (Y/N) treated her for picking up the stupid book, Panty left in search of someone to... spend the night with. Or Brief.

Stocking was in a much better mood than she was the previous morning. Garterbelt hadn't woken her up, she had gotten her usual morning sweets in and there wasn't a random guy on the couch. There was, however, a (Y/N) on the couch. He was hunched over something so Stocking decided to investigate.
"Sorry 'bout yes'erday," (Y/N) slurred before she could finish sneaking up on him.
"S'fine. What're you doing?"
Stocking had never seen someone drawing in the wild so she decided to investigate. "What're you drawing?"
"Somethin'." Dissatisfied with this answer, she tried looking over (Y/N)'s shoulder but he shuffled around so she couldn't see.
"Why can't I see?"
"Don't want you to."
Stocking huffed in annoyance and trudged off to her room, only to be summoned to the couch moments later by Garterbelt. She had landed right in between (Y/N) and Panty, allowing her to sneak a glance at what he was drawing. The angel may have regretted her decision. Slightly.

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