68) Writing a loving letter boy

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"Can't he just bring someone to win the bet?" Lincoln asks. Horrified and confused, definitely.

"Have you met Bellamy?" Clarke asks, rolling her eyes. "There's no way he could fake a girlfriend. He's terrible at pretending to like people." She flashes him a grin. "Hell, he's bad at actually liking people."

"You support means the world to me," he says, dry, and she ruffles his hair.

"What are best friends for?" She turns back to Lincoln. "Anyway, if Bellamy brings someone, it'll be the real deal. But I don't think you've got anything to worry about."

"Says you," Bellamy mutters, and crosses his arms. How hard can it be to get a girlfriend?


"So, how do I get a girlfriend?" he asks Clarke a week later.

"You should try Craigslist," she says, straight-faced. "Nothing about this situation would make you sound like a serial killer."


"Seriously, how do you find girls to sleep with you normally?"

"I go to bars."

"So, you do that, and then you don't sleep with them."

"I'm pretty sure people sleep with their girlfriends."

"Someday I'm going to murder you, and the jury's just going to be like, you showed a lot of restraint waiting this long."

"Help me, please?" he says, dropping his head into her lap and looking up at her with beseeching eyes. Clarke's been his best friend for almost as long as he can remember, since he tried to steal her cookie in fourth grade and she nearly broke his nose getting it back. She was, and remains, about the coolest person he has ever met.

Clarke scratches his scalp with a sigh. "Do you actually want a girlfriend, or do you just want to prove Octavia wrong? Because there's nothing wrong with not having relationships, Bell, seriously. You don't have to do this."

He sighs and closes his eyes. "Well, Octavia loves flowers." Clarke knocks on his forehead gently, like she's verifying there's something in there, and he swats at her. "I dunno. A girlfriend would probably be cool? If I could find a good one. I like couples stuff. Like brunch, brunch is awesome."

"You just like brunch because you can drink at 11 on a Sunday and no one judges you."

"Also croissants are awesome."

"There's more to having a girlfriend than brunch." She pauses and then says, "You do kind of love cuddling."

"I do not."

"You know your head is in my lap right now, right?"

He thinks about objecting, but she might try to make him move, and that would suck. "Okay, fine, point. See? I'd be a good boyfriend. I'm affectionate and shit."

"Ringing endorsement." She sighs. "You really want to do this?"

"I really do."

"Fine. I'll be your wingman. But you owe me, Blake, seriously."

"Put it on my tab."


Monday after work, he goes over to meet her at her store. She runs one of those paint-your-own pottery places, and sells a few of her own finished pieces in the corner too. Monday is her production day, so she's making a bunch of mugs and vases and shit for her staff to deal with tomorrow. Bellamy finds the mug he's been painting on and off for the last three months and settles down at one of the tables while she works. It's mostly green, with brown and black splotches, like camouflage. Not really on purpose, his first attempt was just so shitty it had to be hidden.

Bellarke One Shots Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora