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Chan dragged his feet into the building as he groaned, his head pounding. He doesn't remember much from last night, all he knows is that he got drunk off his mind. Chan is also very sure that he and Seungkwan had some kind of moment, which honestly, he wished he didn't remember that part.

"Holy shit," Yeri giggled as Chan walked to sit next to her. "You look like you just died and came back to life."

"If that happened, I feel like I would look a lot more refreshed than right now," Chan whined.

"So. I'm guessing you went out last night with the guys and got wasted off your ass?" she asked teasingly.

Chan pulled out his books along with his laptop. "Sounds about right."

As the professor walked into the lecture hall, he started by going off-topic and talking about his weekend that no one cared about.

Chan's thoughts drifted and he remembered Seungkwan. The older boy was with him when he was puking out his guts, called a taxi for him, let Seungcheol know that they were leaving, so he didn't have to worry, and most importantly, danced with him when Chan asked.

It was a stupid question and the only reason he asked is that he's an emotional drunk, which is no surprise there.

Huh, it seems like Chan remembered a lot more than he thought he did. The most horrifying thought that crossed Chan's mind is that he distinctly remembered Seungkwan's hands on his waist, his warm touch, his flustered expression...

Chan shook his head. You don't need to think of that! It was just the alcohol. Chan shouldn't make it a big deal when it wasn't in the first place.

... Right?



The sound of his name made Chan look up, not expecting an eager Mingyu to be racing directly toward his table. "Why... why didn't you tell me you were going to leave the bar? I thought you died!"

Chan scoffed, "Stop being dramatic."

"I'm not being dramatic! As your hyung, I need to look after you," Mingyu whined as he grabbed Chan's textbook from the table. "Stop doing your homework and start explaining what happened!"

Chan sighed—he was surprised by his patience with Mingyu, who acted extremely overprotective, sometimes. "I'll tell you the truth, I don't know what happened. I was drunk, and I think Seungkwan took me home."

"How irresponsible can you—" Mingyu faltered, blinking his eyes excessively. "Wait. Seungkwan took you home?"

Chan swallowed, feeling his ears burn as he hid his face. It's not like he was proud of last night, either. "Yes. Now, can you please leave me alone?"

But, what was Chan expecting from Mingyu?

The older wiggled his eyebrows, showcasing his huge grin. "What happened to you hating him?"

Chan put his pen down and glared. "I do hate him, you know that better than anyone."

"Chan," Mingyu's expression switched to guilt, his voice trailing off quietly. "This isn't about the basketball thing, is it?"

"Of course not!" Chan rolled his eyes. "The day we met, he knew me and I knew him. He threw that ball on purpose. I could see it in his eyes. We just pretend like we never knew each other, it's easier that way, so we can forget about the past."

"Is that the easier solution, though?" Mingyu asked cautiously, not wanting to cross the line. He does not want an angry Chan on his hands. "Shouldn't you both just talk it out?"

3:30 pm | boochan [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now