Chapter two

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"Keep your elbow up, Thalia," said Kíli as he stood off to the side watching Thalia. They were in the forest at the little shooting range they had set up for archery practice.

Fíli, Ori, and Dori were sitting on a big boulder. Dori and Ori had decided to join them when they saw them leaving the mountain.

Thalia let the arrow go and it hit a trunk of a tree, completely missing her intended target, a fake deer.

She huffed and stomped her foot. Kíli walked over to the tree and pulled the arrow out.

"Just relax. If you get too hot headed then you will become distracted."

"Right. Relax. Not hot headed. Got it."

He handed her the arrow and stepped off to the side again. She put the arrow on the bowstring and pulled back. She relaxed her muscles and let out a breath. She let the arrow go and it hit the deer right in its heart.

She squealed with happiness and jumped up and down. Ori, Dori, and Fíli clapped and cheered for her.

Kíli walked over to her and patted her shoulder,"Good job little one. You just shot your first kill. Well, pretend kill."

She hugged him and laughed,"Thank you uncle Kíli, you're the best for teaching me."

"I know, I'm your favorite uncle right?"

"Well it's a tie. With 11 other uncles."

"Yeah, alright. But I'm still the best."

Fíli chuckled behind them,"Sure you are. But until you grow a beard, you will never be anywhere near me."

"Oh yeah?"


They began to wrestle each other and pin each other to the ground.

Dori stood and huffed,"Now that's enough you two."

They stopped fighting and stood up and dusted themselves off. Thalia was giggling behind them when she heard a low growl behind her. She turned around and saw a warg standing a few feet from her. She froze in fear, not able to move.

Then Fíli jumped in front of her before the warg could attack her. The warg jumped at Fíli and snapped his teeth at him. Fíli swung his sword and cut the warg's side. But that just made the warg even madder.

The beast swatted away Fíli's sword and jumped on top of him. Before the warg could kill him, Kíli shot an arrow into the warg's back. The animal let out a terrifying howl of pain.

The warg jumped off of Fíli and advanced for Kíli. But Thalia, who was now on the big rock with Dori and Ori, decided to throw rocks at the animal with the two other dwarves to distract him.

The animal decided to go for them instead and knocked Thalia off the rock. She fell to the ground and hit her head, making it bleed. The warg lifted its big paw and swiped at her neck to kill her. But she rolled away just in the knick of time and instead was scratched on her arm and side. She let out a scream and grabbed her side.

She thought the warg would then go again to try and officially kill her, but it never came. She looked up to see the warg dead with Fíli standing over it. He had driven his sword into the beast's chest and killed it.

She smiled weakly, happy the warg was dead. She tried to stand, but fell to her knees. She was bleeding, and fast at that. Her vision was becoming blurry. She heard Kíli yell her name and saw him run to her side. She felt him pick her up and start to run. He yelled to the others,"hurry! We need to get her back to the mountain!"

But that was the last she remembered. Because then everything went black.

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