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~ Y/n POV ~

Ranboo and I spent the rest of the next full twitchcon day with Tubbo and Tommy, we messed around and met a bunch of fans

"I have a question" I asked the group. We were sat down behind stage Tubbo and Tommy on a two person couch and me and Ranboo we on the floor, me leaning back into Ranboo with his arms wrapped around me and his chin resting on my shoulder

"Hm? What's up?" Ranboo asked lifting his chin off my shoulder. "Do we wanna tell the fan base that we're dating?" I asked looking down at the ground.

"I hope your talking about you and Ranboo." Tommy said with his strong accent. "Are you fucking dumb? Yes I'm talking and ran and I" I asked staring at him disappointed, Tubbo laughed slapping his hand on the armrest on the couch.

"Pfft- whatever." Tommy said crossing his arms.

"Anyway, what do you think about that Ran?" I asked him. "Telling everyone about us? Hmm, I do kinda wanna be more open about it. I mean if you can find a way to tell them then I'm up for it." He said kissing my cheek.

"Stop flirting!" Tommy yelled at us. "Shut up Tommy we're having a moment!" I said as Ranboo was kissing my cheek over and over. "Your so clingy" I sighed, Ranboo smiling against my cheek.

"Hmm, we should see if we could go on a panel and tell them, ooorrr we could stream and tell them." I suggested, Ranboo setting his chin back onto my shoulder.

"Sure, I'll go talk to one of the admins." Ranboo said. I let him get up and he walked out to go talk to someone about it.

"You guys are too lovey dovey for me to handle" Tommy said staring at me in disgust.

"Tommy you are the only one hear without a partner. Maybe your the problem." Tubbo laughed. "We should find you a boyfriend!" I joked. "What?! No I want a girlfriend" Tommy shouted.

"We'll we both have boyfriends so you should join the gang" I chuckled. "If I cant have Ranboo what's the point" Tommy shrugged. "Don't you flirt with your other guy friends?" I asked. "I don't need a fucking boyfriend I need a wife!" He defended.

"Your no funnn" I whine. Ranboo walked back to us and sat down the same way I was sitting with him. But instead he was leaning back onto me and I rested my chin on his shoulder.

"I talked to a worker here that I'm friends with and they said they could host a panel for just us too in the main convention area. It starts in an hour and a half" Ranboo smiled looking up at me.

"Okay! We should probably talk about how we'll actually tell them" I chuckled taking his beanie of and messing with his hair.

"Yeah" he smiled, "I cant fucking listen to you guys, I'll come watch you panel but I gotta go talk to will." Tommy said standing up and walking out to the main floor. "I'm going to go make sure he doesn't get lost. I'll come to your panel too! Have fun guys" Tubbo said and walked off, following Tommy.

Ranboo and I planned on just explaining and hoping someone would ask up if we were dating or something along those lines and if they didn't we would just explain it out.

"What are we gunna do when you go back to the uk?" I asked digging my face into Ranboos neck.

"Same thing we did as before. Long distance. You can come visit or I can come down to America in a few weeks" Ranboo said rubbing the back of my hand for comfort.

"Mmmm. That's to lonnggg"I jokingly whined into his neck. "We can start talk about moving in together once we get home" I smiled. "Okay." I slightly smiled.

We talked about the panel and mainly planned it until we had to go set it up

We helped the admins set up. Obviously a lot of people started crowding around the set up after seeing Ranboo and I sitting on stools next to each other talking, waiting for the host to join us.

~ Time Skip ~

The panel only lasted for about 35 minutes seeing as there was a tight schedule for all the panels.

We talked about how we got so close so fast and our 'friendship' and how thousands admire it 'n shit

We got to the last 10 minutes and started answering questions.

"You guys only have 2 minutes left" the admin told us and then walked away again. "Alright, two minutes left! We have a big announcement so I suggest you get your cameras out!" Ranboo said into the microphone in his hands throwing his othe one up in the air.

A few people brought out their phone and Ranboo and I looked at each other and smiled.

Ranboo nodded, telling me to say it instead of him and handing me the mic. "So, Ranboo and I have talked, and we decided to make it public... that we are in fact dating" I said. Everyone cheered and clapped and I saw so many smiles from everyone, I could even see Tommy and Tubbo at the back of the crowd looking really proud of us.

"So yeah! We started dating half way through vidcon and are going to stream later today or tomorrow to answer some questions you guys might have about us." I said.

Our time was up and Ranboo and I walked off and went behind the curtains. Once we were unseen by the others I squealed and jumping into ranboos arms, wrapping my legs around his torso just like when we first met irl.

"I'm proud of you y/n, you've come so far in this community!" Ranboo exclaimed setting me back down onto my feet. "Says you! You've made it so much further, give yourself some credit!" I said back as he chuckled.

We spent the rest of twitchcon mainly just walking around and taking pictures with fans and interacting with our community.

We eventually had to part ways once twitchcon ended but get in a vc as soon as we got home and talked all night.

~ Word Count 1053 ~

U/n @u/n
For those who haven't heard yet. Ranboo and I are dating and made it public. We ask that you are respectful and still absolutely no NSFW. Thanks sm for all the support, love you guys<333

 Thanks sm for all the support, love you guys<333

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