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3.1K 29 320

7/2/22 (day, month, year)

~ Y/n POV ~

It's midnight and I'm near the end of a typical stream of playing some valorent. "Right, we'll play one more game and then I'm gonna head off. it's 1 am I need to sleep!" I shout at the screen.

I have been a faceless streamer since 2020. I have an average of 900 viewers and around 4k followers. So I'm not a big streamer, and I'm not a small one either.

after winning the next round my chat and I cheered together. "Let's go!! gg chat!" I shout throwing my handing in the air in celebration. "Okay, I gotta go now chat. who are we gonna raid today? how about....." chat started spamming names for me to raid. "Let's go with Ranboo!" I said and found Ranboo's name on twitch.

"Oh! He's playing a horror game! my kinda gamer" I laughed. "Anyway, thanks for watching! I love you guys!!" I shout as I watch all the goodbye messages fly by. I end stream and raided Ranboo then watching his stream on my phone as I got ready for bed.

"Thanks... U/n for the raid. Thank you so much!" he smiled reading the raid message and all the raiders in chat. after getting into bed I kept his stream on and watched it until he ended the stream. once he ended I drifted off to sleep

~ Time Skip ~

another day, another slay. I get up at 11:34 and get ready and go to the kitchen to grab some brunch. I was looking through my phone, all my social media and that jazz, nothing new. Accept... there's actually something new today.. I had a dm from someone that I didnt recognize the name.


Hey! my name is Tyler, I work with dream. my team and I (Including dream) have been looking for new people to add to the dream smp. we've watched some of your streams and you seem like the right person to add. please text back if you are interested in joining

What. the. fuck. Am I dreaming???? The dream smp? With all those famous people on it???

Oh wow, yes of course! But I have to ask, why me? Im not as big as the other members, I would assume you would pick bigger creators lol

Well everyone has to start somewhere, trust me, once you join you'll get a lot more followers and stuff, it's kinda like we're out helping smaller creators!

Damn, I didnt think about that! Anyways I would love to join! My ign is U/n
Thanks a ton <3

Anytime! The ip is ########
You can join whenever you want, your already whitelisted :)
*U/n liked Tyler's message!*
I'm about to die. I sat there all smiley trying my best to hold in my excitement. "What now?" My older brother, Sam walks in chuckling

"I just got invited to the dream smp!!!" I shout getting told off by my mom afterwards. "Wait seriously?! That's so fucking cool y/n, congrats!" He exclaimed giving me a big hug

Sam has always been my best friend he's always been there for me when my mom wasn't.

I mean, it's not like I have a really bad relationship with my mom it's Just.. her mood changes all the time, you never really know how she's gunna feel that day sometime shes in a great mood and others... shell just yell at you. All day. It's fucking terrifying, but I understand that she has anger issues and still love her

My dad on the other hand passed away a while ago due to cancer and it's been really hard on our whole family, which is one of the reasons my mom has huge mood swings. I promised myself to always help her out when needed.

My mom isnt really, 'hip with the kids' as some might say. She doesn't understand all the technology and gay/pride stuff and definitely doesnt understand mental disorders seeing as she didn't grow up with any issues.

Like a lot of teenagers, I suffer from depression and anxiety and of course my mom doesn't know how to deal with it, but Sam does, he's like a therapist to me and I love him to bits for that.

We danced in the kitchen celebrating the big news and after a while we calmed down and got Sam some food as I finished mine.

"Imma head upstairs probably stream or somethin" I said to Sam. "Aight, have fun" Sam said looking at his phone giving me a thumbs up

I walked upstairs and got my stream ready. I clicked go live and waited a few minutes for the notification to go out.


Once everyone started rolling into chat I switched my screen from 'starting soon' to my minecraft screen and began to speak

"CHAT OH MY GOD I DID IT! IM IN THE SMP!!" I shout. My mom had already left for work and Sam usually has headphone is and doesn't care if I screamed so I was all good to be as loud as I wated.

Imkindagay0: OMG CONGRATS



I laughed at all the chats, "thanks guys!!" I laughed. "Anyway, are you guys ready? First time logging in!" I said hovering my mouse over the server icon

I took a deep breath and double clicked the dream smp icon on my multiplayer screen sending me to a loading screen.

I loaded in seeing spruce trees and cobblestone walls surrounding me.

U/n joined the game
Dream: Hello!
Awesamdude: o/
Tommyinnit: WOMAN

I laughed at Tommy's message and typed back

U/n: Hi!!

I then started walking around looking at all the buildings and gathering materials to start building a home for myself.

I found a nice oak/flower forest pretty far from spawn, I really liked it so I set my crafting table and furnace down and headed towards a cave nearby to gather some ores.

RanbooLive joined the game
U/n: o/
Ranboolive: oh! Your already here
Ranboolive: I was going to come on and show you around lol
U/n: oh! I've been on for about 30 mins now. If you still wanna play together my coords are ### ####
Ranboolive: Omw :)

After a few minutes of mining, gathering ores and items from mineshafts and dungeons, Ranboo messages in chat again,

Ranboolive: I'm here, oak forest right?
U/n: yep! I'll be up in just a minute

I made my way up the cave and after a minute I was at the surface.

U/n: vc?
Ranboolive: sure :)

I opened the dream smp discord and joined vc 1, after a few seconds of me joining, Ranboo joined too

"Hey! Nice to meet you" he said happily. "You too! Do you wanna show me around?" I asked "sure! Follow me!"

~ Word count 1157 ~

U/n @u/n
I'm on the dream smp, life is good

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