Part 1: Surprise

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Y/N usually spent summer holidays on vacations with her parents. But this year, all y/n could think about was returning to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She desperately missed her friends, and, though most of her friends wrote her every week, letters from one particular person were absent.

Draco Malfoy wrote to her faithfully for about three weeks at the beginning of summer, true to his word, but as the holiday stretched on, the letters came less and less. Y/N knew he was probably just on family trips, or just forgot occasionally, but when the letters stopped coming all together, y/n couldn't help but wonder what had caused him to forget about his promise to write her every week. 

"Y/N, eat your food! I made you a full breakfast! Even took off the mushrooms you don't like!"

"Okay, sorry mum," y/n said, resurfacing from her mind again.

"If you're worried about Draco not sending you letters, don't be, Sweetheart. He's probably just on vacation and can't...send an owl."

Y/N giggled. Mum always got confused when it came to magic terms. Especially when it came to owl post. Why owls? If they were magic, couldn't they just use magic to get their letters where they need them? Or just use magic to go talk in person? 

"I know, but he promised to write every week. And why can't he write on vacation? It's not like an owl can't go with them."

"Y/N, food. Eat. Now," Dad said absentmindedly while reading the paper. 

The family had had the same conversation since Draco had stopped sending letters, and y/n could tell her parents didn't appreciate it, but she was getting more and more worried by the day. With about a month and a half left of summer, y/n finally decided to stay true to her word and wrote Narcissa, Draco's mother, a note to put her plan in motion. The hardest part came after the reply. Convincing her parents it was a good idea. 

"Absolutely not! The holidays are the only times in the next six years that we'll be able to see you, and I am not letting you go to spend time with another family for the rest of the summer! Tell her y/d/n!" Mum wouldn't have it. Dad wasn't as stubborn.

"Darling, she won't be gone all summer. Just a week." This earned him the mum scowl. "I'm just saying that she doesn't get to see any of her school friends over the holiday, and maybe we should let her go just this one time."

After much convincing, mum finally caved. She gave y/n one week and that was it. But it was enough. Y/N wasn't even sure Narcissa could read her last letter, she had written it so fast in her excitement. 

By the next morning, y/n was completely packed. Her very large school trunk was too big for only a week's worth of clothes, so she just used an old knapsack her dad lent her, and gathered some sickles from the end of the previous school year, wildly excited for the coming surprise. 

Y/N had to ride the Knight Bus, which she wasn't sure if her stomach could handle, but was too jubilant to see Draco again to mind much.

"Last time you boarded this bus I was worried sick! I still am! I mean, how does it go so quickly and aggressively without hitting someone or something?" Mum was still going on about how much she disapproved of this little trip. She wasn't ready to leave her daughter again, even if only for a week. 

"I'll be fine, Mum," y/n said for the millionth time, standing at the curb. "There's nothing to worry about! It's a magic bus and I don't have another option yet."

Dad took Mum's hand and squeezed it reassuringly, giving her an intimate smile. Y/N looked away and stretched out her wand as if hailing a London taxi. A few moments later, the Knight Bus came speeding down the street, brakes screeching as it came to a halt a mere foot from where y/n stood on the curb. 

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