Yunmeng Jiang needs allies after the war.

And she can only do so if she gets her engagement with the Jin Heir back.

Besides, who wouldn't want to marry him? His achievements and he came from a good family.


Wei Wuxian was trying his best not to make extra movements as they tucked him inside a black bag.

As he was being carried inside the bag, he opened his eyes.

'Plan A, secured, now off to Plan B, try to make Wen Ruohan think I'm his ally.' Wei Wuxian mentally sighed.

He could take a nap, but then it would give them an even greater advantage.

He made an alarming talisman to warn him when they arrive to their destination.

For now he'll try to stay awake and use the recording talisman he made to record whatever the rest would be saying and placed it on his robe.

He knows Huaisang would be listening to all of it in his tent while taking notes if anything is important.


He made an 'oof-' sound as he was thrown out of the bag and onto the floor.

He hissed at the impact to remain in act.

Wei Wuxian was surprised to see that the room was filled with copses and the Yin iron was in the center.


He used his sword as a cane to help him stand.

His attention then moved towards the throne where he saw Wen Ruohan and surprisingly Meng Yao.

He doesn't know why but his guts told him not to trust him.

He'll follow his guts.

"Wei Wuxian, I heard a lot about you."

Wen Ruohan said as he got up and walked down from his throne.

"What a surprise you have been brought here all injured, tell me, did my disciples manage to injured you so badly?"

Wei Wuxian inwardly rolled his eyes 'as if they could.'

"I had been caught off guard by the Jiangs." was what he said instead Wen Ruohan was now walking around him.

"Ah...I heard about your treatment there, too bad, you were their ally in this war, but they turned you into this, and now looked where you are." Wen Ruohan stopped behind him.

Wei Wuxian did look around, this place was filled with heavy resentful energy.

It's suffocating.

The copses around were being controlled by the Yin iron.

Wen Ruohan has all 4 pieces but the Yin iron he has here, seemed more weaker than the sword he found in that cave.

"Now...don't you want to take revenge on them?"

Wei Wuxian snapped his attention back towards Wen Ruohan "Revenge on who?"

"Revenge on of course the Jiangs, you can side with me and I'll forgive you for the current killings you did."

Wen Ruohan then leaned onto his ear "Don't you want to see the Jiangs bow down in front of you? To ask for your mercy as you slaughter them one by one?"

Wei Wuxian didn't want that but he just went along.

He closed his eves and sucked in a breath.

"What do you want in return?"

Wen Ruohan hummed in victory "Oh, you just have to make some useful talismans and I will ensure you, The Jiangs will be brought down."

Wei Wuxian sighed "Deal."

Wen Ruohan smirked "That Xue Yang ran away but let me tell you, if you dare escape or betray me...I will make my corpses eat you alive."

Wei Wuxian shuddered, he should be extra careful with his works then.

"Meng Yao, show him where he'll be staying and send him a healer."


Nie Huaisang was listening and taking notes.

" he decided to go there again after getting kicked out." Nie Huaisang muttered.

So far there wasn't anything interesting.


Wei Wuxian followed Meng Yao while gripping onto his sword.

On the way towards the room Meng Yao spoke "I know those injuries are fake, why are you here?"

Wei Wuxian shrugged "I just want some people to know how it feels like to be on the ground and getting whipped everyday, I lived on the streets for 6 years of my life, and then they take me in just to beat me up for the next 5 and a half years, I might as well torture them for the same amount of period."

Meng Yao just stared at him, Wei Wuxian was hard to read, he can't see through him.

He'll have to keep close if he wants to send messages to Xichen about this.

He can't let this person beside him ruin his plans on getting his father's attention.

He needs to kill Wen Ruohan, if he does, then maybe, his father would notice and legitimize him.

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