Chapter 17

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"That was embarrassing!" Wei Wuxian finally said as he caught up with his breath.

He finally made it down the mountain before he placed his fingers to his lips.

"Lan Zhan's lips are so soft." Wei Wuxian quickly shook his head 'LIPS!? THAT WAS HIS CHEEK YOU IDIOT!' Wei Wuxian smacked his own head, hoping that it would help him regain at least some of his braincells.

He sighed once he managed to calm himself down.

He then made his way to Caiyi Town to get some snacks for the road.

When he left the Clan he only had a few money from his saving left, but the rest of his money was in his room.

He was just glad he brought his journal with him or else all the ideas he made would be in waste.

He shared his ideas with Lan Wangji who supported him and told him he would gladly be the first one to use any of them if he ever made it.

The older seemed so sure that he could make them.

He wouldn't let him down.

He bought some bread and biscuits and made his way.


Days passed he neared Yunping and decided to stay in for the night.

"Hello Mister, may I have a room and a bath?" He asked the man on the counter who nodded.

"Would you like your food delivered to your room as well young master?"

Wei Wuxian shook his head. "I will eat down here, some lightweight meal would be nice, add some extra spice in it." he winked as he placed his money on the table.

The man nodded and left to ask some of the workers to fulfill the task.

Wei Wuxian decided to wait on his table for the food to be delivered "Here you are young master."

Wei Wuxian smiled "Thank you."

As he started to eat he thought about selling some talismans to help the place around here and of course so that he'll have some money for himself.

He nodded at the plan.

He drank his water before he heard a few men who were around his age if not a few years older gossiping.

"I have news that my father told me!"

"Oh? And what is that?"

"Jiang Wanyin isn't actually the supposed to be heir of the Jiangs!"

This made Wei Wuxian pause is shock 'If not him then who?'

The teen then continued "Apparently this was only taught to the disciples who turned 18, the Jiang Clan, the heirs are not to be from the gentry family but by the talent and following the motto itself!"

This made Wei Wuxian surprised.

"Apparently, the elders were planning on making Wei Wuxian the heir when he turns 18 for he is the one with the best talent in Yunmeng and follows the motto by heart!"

Wei Wuxian can say it could be true, but being the heir...people would treat him differently and he would get the hateful gazes of the Jiang Family members.

He inhaled 'No need to think about them, I will not become the heir, but if ever I decided to become one...I should let them try to feel what's it like to be in my shoes.'

He tsked 'Being rogue is currently more interesting than Sect politics, who would want to do all those paperwork? Only a madman would do it willingly.' he rolled his eyes.

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