chapter 1

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"Another boring day at UA," you thought, walking down the street to your high school. But, you had one thing to look forward to today (more like everyday), your best friend Eijiro. He has been with you through thick and thin, and you can't imagine life without him. But, ever since the end of middle school, the feelings you have felt toward him have been more than friendly.

You walk into your classroom, and sit down beside your visibly excited best friend.

"Y/N, you're here! Guess what?" he says.

Your head perks up and you take your earbud out of one ear to listen.

"Good morning, what's up?" you reply.

"There's a meteor shower tonight, and Mina, Jiro, Kaminari, and Sero are going! We even got Bakubro to come with us, wanna come?" he says in a way that made it impossible to say no.

"Sure, when and where?" you say, scared to sound uninterested because you felt the opposite.

"At 9PM, and on the big hill behind the school. Hope you'll be there!" he says, turning his head over to talk to someone else.

The seemingly boring day had just become less boring because now you had something to look forward to. And you were really excited, so much so that you checked the clock every few minutes all day. It didn't help that it was Friday, either.

When the seemingly longest day ever was over, you walked home and sat down to do your homework. It really was no use though, because all you could think about was him. About how his smile could replace the sun. How his fiery red eyes could inspire a hopeless heart.

You looked at the clock after completing a total of nothing and realized you'd lost track of time.

"Well, I guess I'll do this tomorrow," you think, sighing as you get up from your stiff desk chair.

You step over to your dresser, but was only met with the usual nothing to wear. After wiping your mind of him, you focused and found something to wear.

Knock Knock

"Who's there?" you say, scrambling to get your shirt on. 

"It's Kirishima," the voice says, petrifying you even more.

You quickly did your hair (however you would do it) , and went to the door. As you opened it, you saw the tall red haired boy in casual but nice clothes inviting you to walk with him.

"But we're two hours early-" you say, sort of confused.

"That's ok, I couldn't wait any longer to see my best friend!" he says, absolutely obliterating your emotions. Friend zoned. Again. But, at this point, you were pretty used to it.



but i have been waiting to bless you guys (well actually mostly myself) with this one

next chapter will be very fluffy bc honestly why not


Meteor Shower || Eijiro Kirishima x Y/NOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora