Chapter One: Bathroom Beat Down

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The day had been filled with nothing but mockery and spite for Lance, he was more than ready to slug the next person to make fun of him. The pitter of urine as he released his bladder filled the bathroom that was otherwise silent. The bathroom was everything but clean. It smelled of urine and feces and of things that end up with mistakes. Soon Lance was finished with his business, flushing the urinal. Lance zipped up his fly and tightened the belt that held up his khakis. Moving to the sink he turned it on and a stream of water came out that was disterbed by his hands as he washed them.

The door to the bathroom opened and Maccready walked in with his two goons. Lee Harvey a chubby kid with a mullet that was as greasy as a biker from the seventies. The other goon's name was Eion Cordova an African American just like Macreedy but instead of being bulky he was skinny and lean and taller than all of them by a head. His hair was covered by a blue baseball cap that had a skull on it.

Macreedy walked towards Lance, his shaved head shone from the light. As he approached, Lance breathed in and out preparing himself for the fight coming his way by turning the water too hot. When Macreedy finally reached him he raised his hand and curled it into a fist before he launched it at Lance expecting the feeling of flesh and bone only for his nerves to receive but all he got was a scolding hot burn. Lance moved out of the way in time for Macreadys fist to hit the scoldingly hot water. Macreedy yelped in pain and retracted his hand from the water, blowing on it only helped alleviate the pain a little. Macreedy glared at Lance.

"Get him!" Macreedy said. Lee stepped forward shaking the flaps of skin he called his stomach with each step. He stepped in front of Lance and threw a fist at him forcing Lance to step out of the way and seeing as he was next to a sink and a trash can he chose to go right and knock over the trash can. In doing so he spilled trash all over the floor. Recovering Lance raised his fist in a guard prepared to attack or block, Lee moved in and swung with a left hook which Lance ducked and side step pushing his fist out he struck the side of Lee's stomach sending ripples across his body. Seeing that his punch did little to nothing he backed pedaled only to be side swiped by Eion who punched his gut then lifting his leg he kicked Lance on the side of his knee cap knocking him onto the bathroom tile.

Being on the ground gave Lance an idea, sweeping his leg out he knocked Eion onto the floor he then kicked him in the face and got up raising his guard in time to block a punch by Lee which he parred with a punch to the face that sent blood out from his nose and on to his hand. Spinning back in front he came to face Macreedy who looked ready to make his brains into wall paste. Lance shot out with a left hook that Macreedy blocked and then paired with a jab that Lance caught. Using a grappling move Lance grabbed Macready's right arm and pulled him into him where he delivered a knee to the stomach then whilst he was winded he pulled his arm from the hold he had on Maccready he then punched his gut then his face. Pushing him away from him Lance struck with an ax kick to Eion's head knocking him back to the ground, Lee came up his nose still leaking blood and struck with a jab which Lance side stepped before grabbing his extended arm and pulling him forward and onto the ground where he would grab his head by his hair and slam it down into the tile. Lance got up and entered into a scuffle with Maccready being careful not to get hit by dodging and ducking and weaving and parring when he could.

They were moving around the bathroom going from wall to wall trying to beat the other up. Soon they ended up by the door where the fight had gone in Lance's favor. Lance made a plan and just waited for a chance to enact it. Seeing an opening Lance moved the trash can that he had knocked over during the fight with his foot kicking it at Macreadys feet making him unbalanced. Seeing his moment Lance charged and dropped kicked his bully right into a stall, swiftly recovering Lance got up from the ground and left the bathroom and the school after getting his bag from the class room and running out as the teacher yelled at him to stop. But he wasn't going to stop till he disappeared into the city.

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