Chapter 2

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We had arrived at the guild about twenty minutes later. I marveled at the sheer size of it, but this was short lived as I was dragged inside by the pinkette.

"Hey, Gramps! Look what we found!" He exclaimed, holding up my arm which I dutifully snatched away.

"Ah? And who might this be?" The short man asked, glancing me up and down.

Erza walked over. "The thing is, Master, we don't know. We found her in the Woodsea, and she has no memory except for the fact that she's a Water Dragon Slayer," the scarlet haired mage explained.

"Well, what about her name?" A white haired woman with magenta clothing asked from behind the man whom Erza had called 'Master'.

"We created one for her," Happy answered proudly, flying above my head.

"Apparently, my name is Marie Scarlet... Dragfilia." I murmured, scratching my head awkwardly.

"What kind of name is Dragfilia?" A woman piped up, who was holding a large barrel of booze.

"That's what I said!" I exclaimed exasperatedly.

"Anyways," the Master continued, "because you don't have any memories, it only makes sense that you stay here for a while. Mirajane, would you mind doing the honours?"

The white haired woman approached me with a stamp in her hand. "This just brands you with the guild's mark. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt. Where would you like it?" She asked. I thought for a moment.

Considering my outfits usually were a pair of blue and silver knee high leggings with a light blue blouse and sandals, I decided to have the mark proudly displayed on my ankle.

Mira took the stamp and pressed it firmly to the flat spot above my ankle, and when it came off, there was a strange depiction there. It was white with blue outlining. Lucy and the others cheered, and a small, barely detectable blush spread over my face as I smiled. I had a feeling this was going to be an amazing guild.


As the week went on, I practiced and explored my powers, eventually leading up to a battle with the Pyro, of which we tied.

I had made close friends with a lot of the guild members- Cana, Lucy, Levy, Wendy, Gray, Erza, Natsu and Mira were my closest friends. There was also Juvia and Lisanna, but I don't think they like me very much.

After a few days, Erza had requested I join their team, and I had agreed. She explained that they were the strongest team in Fairy Tail; complete with two exceeds, three Dragon Slayers, a requip mage, and ice mage, and a Celestial spirit mage.

Natsu had asked me why I hadn't made friends with an exceed, and I had not known the answer then. We found out a few minutes later when I was hanging around him and Happy; I was allergic to the damn things.

"A-achoo!" I sneezed, covering my face.

"Dude, are you really allergic to exceeds?" Gray murmured, handing me a tissue of which I gratefully accepted.

"Apparently," I murmured, shaking my head.

I heard footsteps behind me, and looked up to see none other than Mira standing behind me.

"Here," she said with a smile, handing me a small vial with little purple pills inside, that was attached to a leather cord. "These are allergy pills. They should help."

"Thanks, Mira," I popped open the top and shook the pill into my hand. I grabbed an empty cup, and snapped my fingers so it filled with water. Popping the pill in my mouth, I gulped down a mouthful of water, which gave me a burst of energy.

Almost immediately, I felt a lot better.

That day was a lot of fun afterwards. Natsu kept trying to hit me with an attack, but I just kept dousing him with water. He was so frustrated after, because Lucy wouldn't stop laughing. I was so distracted, it wasn't until everyone was leaving that I realized I had nowhere to stay.

Standing up, I approached Master Makarov. "Uh, Master? It seems I don't have a place to stay..." I murmured,rubbing the back of my head awkwardly.

"That's no problem! You can stay with m-" he was about to finish that statement when Mirajane gave him a death glare that chilled my bones.

"Master, kindly refrain from being... Innapropriate," she told him with mock sweetness before turning to regard me. "There is a girls dorm in Fairy Hills. I already arranged an apartment there for you until you can find a place of your own, Marie."

I smiled at her. "Mira-chan, what would I do without you?" I asked, shaking my hand as I pocketed the key she gave me.

"Oh, don't worry about it," Mira waved it off. "Just being nice, is all."

Wendy, a dragon slayer that was a few years younger than I, was kind enough to guide me to Fairy Hills.

"Thanks Wendy!" I called to her from inside my doorway as she walked down the hall.

"No problem, Marie! Have a goodnight!" She said back, waving goodbye as she disappeared around the corner.

Walking into my apartment, I was too tired to explore, so I just fell into bed.

The bed was soft, and I comfortably sunk into the cushy mattress. I would worry about trivial things tomorrow, like food and clothes. For right now, all I needed was a good night's sleep.

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