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"Put a Shirt on ,"steve say looking Eddie up and down as a blush rose up his face "Aw fine we leaving soon then?" Eddie says as a smile appeard on his face "What?" Steve reacted to Eddie's grin "can I not stare at you?"
"Uh I g-gess you can,"
"I'm only staring because you look cute," He said as the other boy froze
"W-were going n-now hurry up"
They got in the car and went to pick up the kid's,Robin and to see if Nancy was coming with them. Steve sat in silence staring at the road infront on his way to pick up Max,El,Will,Mike and possibly nancy they had had a sleep over the night before.
"Yeah," he replied
"You wanna make out in the back of the car?" He asked
"W-What no we need to get the kids we are only a minute away"
"Fine," Eddie said letting out a small sigh
"we are here "
"Ok," Steve got out the car approaching the front door . The door swung open before he could even Knock Max Let out a huge grin
"Finaly your here,"
He picked up the others and headed towards the arcade.

"Steve are we there yet," Dustin complained
"If you ask that one more time I will kick you out of the car while driving."
They finally arrived and ran to go get tokens for the games. "We need to get 4,500 tickets so 500 each or 1,000 a pair lucas your with me El your with Max Robin and nancy will and mike and finaly Steve and Eddie We good"Dustin commanded
"Yeah yeah meet back here in an hour ok"Steve responded. They all went off to play games hopping to get 500 or more tickets .

"What game should we go on first"Eddie asked tilting his head
"That one"steve said pointing at a basketball game
"Ok basketball it is," They wondered over to the game. Steve put a token into the machine as music played from it. The basketballs dropped and steve started to throw them into the hoop only missing once he beat the high score of 98 by getting 106
"Wow thats a lot of tickets"
"Oh yeah,"Steve replied

Once they had gotten 1,080 tickets they went back to the meeting point seeing everyone else had gotten there before them.
"Right how many tickets do you guys have?"
"1,080 tickets here," he handed them to Dustin as he proceded to count
"We have 6,128 Tickets total so we can get the walkie talkies"
"You happy now"Steve asked
"Yeah"Dustin said walking back to the car
"Steve we got everyone candy here's yours,"Max handed him one before exiting back to the car.

Steve Drove everyone back home and went to lay down for a breack
"Night"Eddie said softly as they drifted to sleep

(A/N: This was a bit rushed so sorry if it's bad I'm not the best at writting stuff like this hope you enjoyed this so far tho <: )

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