24 - echoes and bursts

Start from the beginning

I lay my book on top of my face and breathe in the old, woody smell, my mind still glued onto the feel of Rocco's lips and hands and body next to mine.

My thoughts won't redirect whatever I do, so I just allow myself to melt into them.

A second later, the book is plucked off of me, and I blink my eyes to see who stole it away.

I nearly fall off the sofa when I see Rocco standing above me with one eyebrow raised and the book still in his hands.

"God, you scared me." I tuck my hair behind my ears, feeling my cheeks redden slightly at the sight of him, all manly. A visual reminder of what happened earlier.

It brings a torrent of butterflies to my stomach, and I smile slightly as he continues to look at me, a small smile playing at his lips.

I might be imagining it.

He turns the book around in his hands and reads across the page, his eyebrow lifting again.

"Interesting choice." He sits down on the sofa, getting comfortable against the cushions with the book still in his hands.

My cheeks redden more at his comment. I know full well what type of books I read, but it somehow seems more embarrassing that he now knows.

His shirt sleeves are rolled up, exposing some of the tattoos on his forearms, and his hair is messy atop his head.

I fiddle with the hem of my baggy shirt as he places the book down on the wooden coffee table in front of us.

I suddenly regret wearing shorts underneath this, because the t-shirt covers them so it looks like I have no pants on.

His gaze moves to me as he eyes my legs, and my very braless chest.

Another thing I regret.

His eyes meet mine, and he stares straight into me for a full minute before speaking.

"Where's Leonardo?" His voice is unwavering, the opposite of how I feel right now.

"He left as soon as he dropped me off upstairs. Why?"

He shakes his head once, his eyes never straying from mine.

"No reason."

We stare at each other in silence for what seems like forever, and I feel my insides start to melt at the severity of his gaze on me.

A heat travels through my body to in between my legs, and I shift on my knees slightly.

He watches the movement, his stare only making me hotter than I already am.

I need to find Zeus, who's been sleeping all day, because this tension will kill me if I stay around him any longer.

I move to get up and walk past him, but I should have known that would be a bad idea, because he grabs onto my wrist and pulls me back so I'm standing between his outstretched legs.


"Shhh." He whispers, urging me closer with his hands on my waist.

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