Chapter 18: Trapped {Cole}

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I opened my eyes and saw myself in a field of wheat. The light and warm yellowish touch were seen when the sun poured its light from above. The pale blue sky tinted a bright orange throughout the whole horizon. Everywhere, on my clothes, my body was white-jacket, hoodie, and everything.

Someone latches onto my shoulder. I grabbed them by the wrist and pinned the person down to the wheat. Angie. She giggled and has this bright smile on her lips. Her hair matched the color of the field and then those chocolate eyes were to die for. And a fine look of heaven to her short white dress.

She extends her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to kiss her. Damn. That was the best feeling ever. Angie locked her first leg twirling it around the back of mine. Those lips were soft to smooch. I can sense the sweet smell of vanilla when my nose touched her collarbone. I leave traces of kisses on her neck with a sweet moan coming from her.

I opened my eyes. Angie's face was different. Maddie appeared. I could tell when Angie's beige skin turned into a light olive and a small mole on Maddie's upper eyebrow.

Maddie pushes me off of her. My back smacked the ground with piles of rocks ascending. The wheat grew higher as a thunderstruck. No more clear skies except the rumbling sounds of thunder pointing to my misery.

"If you didn't take drugs. We wouldn't have broken up. Our love would've grown stronger day by day!"

I crawled my back away from her. She came closer and closer until I reached the edge of a cliff. Thunder grew louder with the clouds exploding with noise.

"You're not in my life anymore okay? Things had to end!"

"Because of what?" Maddie stepped her foot on my knee keeping me still to avoid falling off the cliff.


"Yes, yes?" Maddie said with so much joy in her.

"I don't love you anymore!!!"

She released her foot. Falling away from her, I screamed her name. My hand reached out to her. She had an emotionless expression. Not giving a single sh*t about me.


Madison barged into my room and turned on the light holding a banana as if it was her gun. "Who's there?!"

I saw myself in a hot sweat and panting at the same time. Holding my chest, I breathed in and out deeply.

"Hermano, what the hell happened?!"

"I just had..." my voice trails off until I pick up my words, "a f**king nightmare!"

"You okay though?" she asked.

"Look, I don't want to f**king talk about it okay? If a burglar came in here, I know how to beat a** so what the f**k is a banana going to do, Hermana?!"

"Just because my hermanos got muscles don't mean I can't throw hands. Like I actually would!"

"I can't deal with you these days, Madison..." I mumbled.

It wasn't long after she closed the door shut. Maddie is old news now. Angie brought life to my mind.

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