Chapter 17: Drama & Details {Cole}

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One of the biggest mistakes I have committed is texting Angie Anderson. She didn't respond to my message so she left me on "read" for two weeks. No hard feelings though. I guess she's having the same fears as I am when both of our families hate each other's throats.

I told Roger I'll stay in England for a bit yet he complained we have more business to attend to with interviews and making new songs for my first album yet. My name keeps buzzing on Instagram and every social media platform ever.

BACK IN THE HOTEL, Spencer and Madison had other things to do instead of staying inside cooped up. Madison wanted to travel to every mall there is in the city while Spencer needed to drive around to clear his mind.

I stayed inside for two weeks because I am not in the mood to face any crazy nutcase after me. Besides that, I called my Mom and we talked about life and family for a while. She wanted to ensure I'm taking my pills and remaining healthy rather than re-taking drugs. I've struggled with both drinking and drugs due to being depressed. And my Dad's passing triggered that harder. But I had dealt with these issues when he used to be alive. He knew yet I never ceased to stop.

With alcohol and drugs, I suffered many problems in my relationship with Maddie. We were always arguing and fighting over the stupidest sh*t. I feel ashamed for causing so much drama on my behalf. In any case, it's over now.

I read over headlines on my iPhone about my big performance from that special night. 


TIME'S MAGAZINE: "Son of Maria and Frankie Dylan has rocked his first concert after making a deal with CrossKnights. Cole started as a singer starring in Broadway and commercials when he was a little boy. He starred as the lion (WIZARD OF OZ) and courageously sang his way. Including his fair share of cereal commercials to promote more of his Father's recognition such as Honey Bunch, Waffle Crisp, and Apple Jacks. Years later, Cole posted cover songs from popular singers and now he has grown in such a way to make us proud!"

With one swipe, I exited the Google app.


A little while later, I sprinted into a park with fewer people to distract myself. On a cloudy day, my sunglasses were on. I kept up the pace as air rushed through my lungs. Once I ceased to run, I stood near a lamppost. As I gripped my knees, I panted.

I called my driver afterward. She found me waiting on the sidewalk. Making our way to the hotel, my two large bodyguards escorted me to my room. I inserted my card key into the knob hole to gain access and entered.

"What the f**k!!!" 

I flinched at the sight of some guy in a black suit who appeared smaller in terms of height.

The guy stood near the couch of my small living room. He arched his eyebrows and placed his hands on his hips trying to examine me. Whoever this motherf**ker is, I'm about to whoop his a** to the point where he won't see daylight.

"Who the hell are you? How the f**k did you get into my hotel?!"

"I know my ways, Cole Dylan," the man said. An American accent slipped into his British one.

"I'll beat the sh*t out of you right now if you don't-"

"I'm Angie's butler. I know you met her at the concert..." he said.


"Yes," he said as he walked around the living room. All the room was white with fluffy pillows except for the black carpet floors. He stepped forward with his hands behind his back.

"You know her?"

"What does it look like? I've known her since she was an infant," the man says, "let me introduce myself. I am Henry, the butler of the Anderson family. I've heard much about you and I came here to discuss some things..."

"Like what? Coming into my hotel room without my big bodyguards squishing you?!"

"I told them I wanted to meet with you and explained some things to get through. However, that doesn't matter or the point. I've come here to tell you to stay away from Angie..." Henry said.

"I know," I told him.

"Know what?"

"About the past. Her dad stole my father's f**king money and I don't know whether to believe which side I'm on. Is there more to this rivalry we have? I'm not understanding any of this!"

Henry replies, "Leave England and never interfere with the family. We don't want any catastrophic rumors to ruin your reputation, Mr. Dylan..."

"Well, I don't think that'll happen. You see, I'll be staying here for important meetings. I don't know but what is it with you rich snobs?"

"Only if you reconsider not encountering Angie Anderson," Henry said.

I scoffed. "Is that a threat?"

He laughed. A big one actually. I squinted my eyes and continued to ease myself. As much as I want to punch him right now, I should hear what he says. 

"Cole. It's better if you stay away from her so there can be no controversy between the two families..."

"What if I can't do that?"

Henry held his stomach and laughed until he froze. His eyes and lips widened. "For Heaven's sake, don't tell me you find her attractive!"

"Maybe? I don't f**king know okay? Besides, I'm not going to lie. She is stunning..." I lowered my tone of voice to a warm feeling. Angie's something. 

"But you need to stay away from us. Whatever feelings you have for her, stop it now!" Henry lowered his head as a sort of bow. He paced out of the room and closed my door.

What a strange guy.

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