#22 You're babysitting and someone thinks you're a couple

Start from the beginning

"Kids..." You mumbled and closed your eyes again which made Luke chuckle from beside you. "You're just like him." He muttered and squinted at you. Your eyes shot wide open as you glared at him. "I am not! Does it look like I'm running around like an idiot?" You questioned sassy.

"Well, what do you expect from a 8 year old kid?" Luke continued and chuckled at you. "Well, I don't know, but I hoped to see him asleep under the parasol." You mumbled and putted on your sunglasses. "You know, he's kind of like I was when I was younger." Luke commented and rested on his elbows as he looked out over the ocean.

"What? You were annoying as fuck too?" You sassily asked which made Luke nudge your arm and chuckle. "No, you know what I mean---"

"OW!" You heard from behind you which made you groan and take off your glasses. You sat up and turned around to see Eric lying on his stomach with his face covered with sand. "Urgh, are you kidding me?" You muttered as you clumsy stood up and quickly walked over to your brother.

"Are you alright?" A woman asked and bend down next to Eric before you got to him. He slowly nodded his head and tried to brush of his face with his sandy hands. You quickly made your way over to him and the woman. "Eric, are you alright?" You asked concerned and kneeled down next to him and the woman.

"Y-yeah." Eric answered and sat up. "What happened?" A voice behind you asked and you recognized it as Luke. He bend down next to you to check how it went. "I tripped over a leg or something, I think." He sniffled and spat out some sand.

"It was my foot." The woman kindly said and smiled at you and Luke. "I am so sorry. I tried to stop him but---" "Oh no, I remember how it was when I raised my kids. You are going through the hardest years." The woman said and stood up. You looked questioned at Luke who smiled at the woman.

"Well, thank you for your help." He said and helped Eric up on his feeth. "No problem. Have a nice day." She said and waved you good bye.

You, Luke and Eric were soon back on your towels again, but this time Eric sat still on the ground.

"Can you imagine that she actually thought that Eric was our son?" You questioned and putted on your glasses again. "Actually I can. He is your brother and you have the same features, you know." He said and chuckled. "I guess you're right, but it was weird, don't you think?" You continued and glanced at him.

He shrugged his shoulders and relaxed. "I know we're best friends, but honestly, it would be nice to have a kid with you. Can't we adopt a child from like Asia? We can name it baby Calum!" Luke said and chuckled.

You let out a small giggle. "Yeah that would be an experience."


You and Calum were best friends. No, you were more like brothers actually. You did everything together and since your brother was born, he sometimes joined you. Though he was only three years old.

Today was the day that Calum and his band would come home so you were about to go meet him at the airport when your brother, Harry, asked you to join and meet Uncle Calum. Of course you couldn't say no.

"Where's Cal?" Harry sweetly asked and glanced around a bit terrified. The airport was filled with fans and Harry had never been around such a crowded space before. "He'll soon be here, don't you worry." You said and bend down to pick him up. "I have missed him." He continued as you placed him on your hip.

"Yeah. I have too." You responded and tried to look over the crowd to see the gate where Calum soon would enter. To your luck, you couldn't see anything except a bunch of heads.

Suddenly the whole airport started to scream and wave their hands which made Harry cover his ears with his hands. You smiled widely. They were here.

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