" No...I don't trust you ...you are lying ...you just want to kill me just like he did...
Just go away ...please ...you don't trust me ...you called me a cheater ...a monster ...you will hurt me again ..you just want to make me cry like you did before ...
Jungkook wiped his tears and took deep breaths to stop his cries and sniffles ...he was finally coming out of his panic attack ...he was overcoming the trance he was in and all his surroundings started to become clear ...he realised what he was  doing ...and that made him want to kill himself ...he didn't want to show his weak side to anyone but now he did ...that too in front of Taehyung who doesn't even care about him ..Taehyung again tried to hold him but Jungkook just pushed him away ...

"Jungkook please..." Taehyung again came closer but Jungkook raised his hand, stopping him ...he took a deep breathe and rubbed his face with his palm before speaking ...

"Why? Why do you suddenly care about me huh? Yesterday you were holding my collar, threatening me and now you are showing your concern? ...why?
Because you saw me in a vulnerable state ? I don't need it...I don't need your so-called care ...I was in a trance for sometime and let these filthy emotions control me but now I am out of this stupidity ...so you can leave and continue your life however you want ...just don't come to me and show your fake concern ...it makes me want to kill you... afterall I am a monster... so I can actually do it .. it will be better if you stay away from me ...do not meddle in my buisness because we are just two strangers living under the same roof ...but that too won't be for long ...
Oh right, I almost forgot ...there's a press conference at my company the day after tomorrow at 10:15 a.m. ....I wanted it to be tomorrow itself but the press members won't be able to come tomorrow due to prior engagements so I arranged it the next day ... be present there ...I am saying this because this involves you and your company ... Now please leave ..." Jungkook said...his voice going monotone again and gestured Taehyung towards the door ...
Taehyung was looking at him with so many emotions right now ...the elder's eyes were also slightly prickling with tears and he didn't even know why ...he just knew that seeing Jungkook in this state is extremely painful for him ...and now after hearing jungkook's words, Taehyung didn't know what to do anymore ...he was guilty ...he was ashamed ..he was furious on himself ...so he just turned around and left the room with tears falling from his eyes ...he didn't even have the guts to face Jungkook now ...

'so this is how he felt when I told him that he is no one to me ..that too on our wedding day...this is how much I hurt him all these days ..tsk, shame on you Taehyung ...' Taehyung thought to himself and went inside his room ...

On the other hand, Jungkook stood up from the bed and went towards the bathroom and stood infront of the huge mirror while placing his palms on the counter ...

"look what you have done to yourself ..you look pathetic..this is why ..this is why I didn't want to feel any kind of stupid emotions ...I was satisfied by keeping everything inside me ...if only aunt Taehee didn't convince you to change that day...if only you didn't become a greedy bitch just to feel loved , this wouldn't have happened ....you wouldn't have become so weak and pathetic today Jungkook ...these filthy emotions are the reason you are crying for everything today ..." jungkook said and pointed at himself while looking at the mirror...eyes were red and swollen from crying so much ...he was looking miserable...and he hated it ...

"But not anymore ...I won't let these useless feelings get over me ...I was always a queen who didn't let anyone control me and it will be the same this time too ...it was just a waste of time to think that I could actually change and stay happy ..'' Jungkook muttered to himself all the while looking at himself through the mirror in rage and then he  punched the mirror hard causing it to crack into many pieces ...he slowly removed his hand from the broken mirror just to see the crimson liquid prickling down the cracked part ...he looked at his hand and noticed how his tender skin was harshly pierced by the glass and how some tiny glass shreds were stuck on his knuckles ...

He let out a small laugh while he removed the glass shreds from his knuckles and threw them on the ground like it was not at all painful but the slight tears that gathered around the corner of his eyes said a complete different story...
This is how he was in the past and he has finally decided that this is exactly how he will be in the future too ...and he knows that he will be happ...satisfied this way ...

" Ahhh ....it feels so good to be myself again ..." Jungkook said and again looked at himself in the broken mirror but this time his eyes were shining ...though his face was not properly visible on the mirror now, he indeed saw that even his distorted face held the same confidence that it held in the past ..and his cherry lips had a subtle smirk plastered on them ...
He finally freed himself from the fake hopes and became himself again ...the only difference is , this time he became even stronger ...even more powerful ...

This is who he was ,is and will be ...forever ...
An emotionless badbitch who never listens to anyone ...
A monster who doesn't spare anyone ...
And most importantly,
A QUEEN who makes people bow to him and gets what he wants ..either it is by hook or by crook ..


Hey my fluffy bunnies ❣️

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