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when I woke the next morning I went through my morning routine on auto pilot. when I was done I grabbed my newly made cup of tea and my brief case and one more thing I almost forgot to grab. the number. when I got it I then left for the office.

the whole drive there all I could think about was that two eyed kid that gave me his number. when I got into the office building I had a pleasant surprise waiting for me. Hanji, Petra and Erwin were all standing outside my office.grate. "what is it" I said trying to get this over with as soon as I can. I had a ton load of work to do on the other side of those doors and the sooner I get them done the sooner I can go back to that shop. "we are all going somewhere today after work today" hanji said surprisingly for once calm. But something was off in the way she said it, like she had an evil glint in her eyes. Oh ya we are all doomed. " what she means is that after work today we are going to all go to that store to see that kid who gave you his number and you are going to be a gentleman and take him on a date we will be there just to make sure you don't back out of anything" Petra said sweetly while Erwin stood next to her nodding in agreement." whatever I was going there anyways but you guys are NOT coming with me" I said and pushed my way past them inside my office and soon enough they followed me in. " oh Levi,Levi,Levi you think that you could stop us how funny" hanji side as she stepped over to me and patted me on the head while laughing "whatever get out, unlike some people I actually have work to do" I said as I walked over to the door and opened it for them. they reluctantly stepped out and I closed the door.

-------------------------time skip after work -------------------------

After work I was in a rush to get down to the parking lot before hanji and the others could catch up to me. when I got in my car I quickly sped off but only half way on my way there I relisted there was a vary familiar red car following me. I pulled into the antique shop and got out and saw that same car pull up and park next to me. and sure enough with my luck hanji jumped out of the car and the others got out soon after.

"what are you doing here? I'm here there's no backing out I get it now scram" I said before turning around and heading in. the door bell chimed my arrival to the young girl sitting at the counter. I then heard three more chimes and looked back to see the small stalking group behind me. I just went up to the counter and looked at the black haired girl until she finally got up and asked " what can I help you with?" now that I took a better look at her she had a blood red scarf wrapped around her neck although she was inside. she had a similar shade of gray as my eyes, interesting.

"Is there a eren hear?" I asked not quit sure if he was even at work today. "why? how do you know him? dose he know you?" she asked getting really protective all of a sudden. jesh what a mother hen."um he kind of gave this to me yesterday and I wanted to talk to him about it?" I side and pulled out the neatly folded recite that I got yesterday and handed it to her. she took it carefully and unfolded it and then she saw it. the number. She looked back up at me studying me as if she was deciding my faith. she turned her back to me to face the stairs that I didn't even relies were there and yelled. "EREN!!! YOU GOT A PERSON WANTING TO SPEAK WITH YOU!"

then I heard the loud thumping of what could only be presumed the oh so glorious eren.then he appeared. and it was the first time all over again."mikasa who is it? I was busy." he side as he looked up from his phone. his eyes widened. "o-oh um its you. um mikasa we are going to go talk outside. he side and blushed.

He walked right past me outside I turned and followed him after I made sure hanji and them weren't following. nope, defiantly distracted by everything in the shop. when we were out there he stared at his shoes trying to hide the blush. cute. I didn't quit know what to say and I didn't want to start the conversation but I think this was going nowhere I side the question that has been on my mind since yesterday. "so why did you give me you're number?" he looked to the side now and I could defiantly see him blushing like a tomato. "I-I want to go on at date with you pleas give me a chance to get to know you better" wow, ok so he wanted the same thing I did. "so give me a time and a place brat" he looked up fast he had wide eyes. God this kid looked like a puppy ,but it was still cute. "um maybe tomorrow at rose cafe?" he side still blushing. "ok that's one thing kid I asked for two, give me a time?" he looked embarrassed and smirked at the fact that I just got him to blush harder if that's even possible. oh um this time tomorrow?" I looked down at my watch "sure see then bright eyes'' we turned and walked back In. When we were inside I walked up to the counter grabbed a peace of scratch paper that was sitting near the phone and wrote my name number and a little not that side for him not to be shy and text me later to night. I quickly handed it to him and walked out of the store .On my way back home I realized that I had completely ditched Hanji Petra and Erwin there at the store and that I forgot to get another tea-cup. But one thing I did get was a date.

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