#3 If you worked at Hooters

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Sonic The Hedgehog

His face is the color of kunckles fire and a low nosebleed if he knew.

In public:
He tries to hand your hand and keep you close to him.
If any perverted Assholes try to slap your ass or corner you...um he'll beat the shit out of them and takes you home~*wink*

At home:
His your cuddle buddy~



Doesn't matter if your in public or at home he'll hug you very closely and kisses you neck from behind.His very very pretoctive over her even if from his brothers guardians.In his room....um...*lenny face*

Y all mit know what's happening~

Pibby Boom Sonic

He kinda blushes and glitchy nosebleeds...panicing and covers his face.

His the shy lover boi~

Irish The Hedgehog

He covers you up and takes you home.

Irish:Lassie I know your trying to earn some corns but...*blushes*

Y/n:*giggles* ok ok I'll work somewhere else then~

She winked at him and goes to her room...irish blushes full red and nosebleeds a little bit.

Curse Sonic

Don't do this to the BEAN!!!!!!!

Scrounge The Hedgehog
His a freaking perverted hedgehog...if y'all know him he won't leave you alone....

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