Chapter 25: Treasure Islet

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The ground began to tremble. Cries of alarm broke barely through the cacophony of shaking rock formations and sliding treasure. Everyone struggled to keep their balance and not slip off the tiny island. The clear water greedily lapped up the silver and gold coins that that slid off the island. Just as quickly as the earthquake began, it stopped.

At the acrid smell of sulfur, the captain craned his neck to get a better view of the other tunnels that led out of the cavern. He saw that at the foot of every mouth was cooled lava, the color of red brick.

"We are near an active volcano. Lava might come from any one of those passages and trap us all in here," he announced. "We must hurry before the volcano decides to erupt."

At once, the men hurried to untie their sacks from around their waists, and the next few minutes were spent scrambling to fill those sacks with whatever they could lay their hands.

To Roger's displeasure, Em continued to stand on the other side of the pedestal, looking up at him expectantly. "Why are you still there, Princess? Wouldn't you like a nice trinket to remember this once you return home?" he sneered.

Em leaned over the empty stone basin. "What I want to remember when I go back to Tarym is you saying that you believe me," she said in a low voice.

Roger thrust his face close to hers. Em stepped back out of surprise. After a moment, he stepped away as well with an icy glare that froze her insides. "Then you'll go back with nothing because I do not believe anything past that you are still a virgin," he said harshly. "My eyes didn't deceive me. You and he were kissing in that courtyard. I don't forget those who lie to me, Princess."

"Yes, we were kissing but—" Em grabbed onto the pedestal as the ground shook again, but this time, with greater magnitude. There were multiple earth-shattering cracks as rock formations broke loose and crumbled all around the lake. Shouts of alarm were drowned out by stalactites hitting the water with cannon-like booms.

Roger turned his back on Em and trudged away. "Leave or die," was his ultimatum to the five other pirates as he passed. Em's eyes widened. He was serious about leaving anyone who lagged behind. With a yelp, she scurried after him.

As they hopped onto the stepping stones, the heat in the cavern began to rise dangerously. Steam rose off the water, and it was boiling slowly by the time everyone stepped onto the main shore, red in the face for some and all dripping in sweat. The smell of sulfur filled their nostrils. Someone shouted and then pointed to one of the tunnels. Its entrance was a vision from the fiery pits of hell; lava poured rapidly through its mouth.

"Don't stare at it, you yellow-bellied fishes!" roared Dread Pirate Robin. He was already halfway up the golden path.

With some weighed down by pounds of riches on their backs, the rest ran after him. By the time they exited through the marble portal, molten magma had filled the cavern and surrounded the entire lake at the bottom. As they bolted through the main passageway, the lights from the imbedded wall braziers sputtered dead as they passed.

In front of Em, Briggen tripped over a fallen piece of rock. She skidded to a halt in front of him and began to help him up. Godsworth, who had heard the commotion, stopped also and ran back to give a hand. "Why are ye just layin' there, ye barnacle head?" he shouted.

"Oh, I just w'nted to take a cat nap," Briggen huffed between Godsworth and Em as they raced to catch up to the group. "Bein' near death and all is really tiresome!"

Perhaps it was the intense fear of the lava licking at her heels, or maybe it was having adrenaline take over her body to the point that she felt almost out of touch with her current reality at the moment. Em threw her head back and laughed.

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