𝐱𝐱𝐢. - eloquent

Start from the beginning

TJ began rambling, "If you're going to have a go at me..."


"...just get it over and done with, I was only trying to help..."



"TJ!" Selina finally shouted to shut him up, "Doesn't your mouth ever stop for a rest?"

The boy was silent for a moment, thinking up a reply, "When I sleep I imagine it slows down a bit."

The girl laughed a little at the comment before getting to the point, "I wanted to say thank you, for covering for me."

Ella sighed, looking down at her hands. She could already tell that Selina's situation was going to get a lot worse from thereon. Even if her brother thought he was doing some good, he was in fact doing the opposite. Selina could get into a lot of trouble, dangerous trouble, if she continued.

TJ smiled, "It's okay... but, Selina, why don't your parents know that you do Taekwondo?"

Selina's smile dropped, "Oh, not this again. I came here to say thanks."

"I was only trying to help..."

Selina scoffed, "You can help by butting out."

And with that, she stormed away, walking towards the entrance of the school building. But, unluckily for her, she had to pass her enemy's table, "Aw, spat with the boyfriend?" Hannah asked her.

"He's not my boyfriend." Selina replied, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I don't know why I'm surprised," Hannah laughed, looking the girl up and down with a scrunched-up nose, "You don't even have any friends, let alone a boyfriend."

Ella rolled her eyes at the comment. Could this girl be any more cliche?

Emilia leaped up from her seat and stormed over to the two girls, "We're her friends."

"I mean friends that you actually want to look at."

That was enough to make Ella and Matei stand up. Matei walked over to the girl, his jaw clenched, his eyes dark, looking as if he was about to rip the girl up into pieces, but his sister pushed him back, "I don't need you fighting my battles."

"What did you say?" Selina asked Hannah.

"You heard." She replied smugly.

That was enough to make Selina shove the girl back, nearly knocking her over. Ella's emotions quickly changed from anger and annoyance to concern and worry. She and the rest of the pack pushed Selina back so that she wouldn't try and attack Hannah again, no matter how much they wanted to let her do so.

"That's it. Run away with your little friends!" Hannah mocked from behind.

Ella grabbed Selina's hand, putting it in front of her face, "Look at your hand."

The girl breathed heavily, her eyes glowing yellow, black veins creeping up her arms. Selina noticed this, and immediately calmed herself down, before shoving her pack out of the way and running into the building.

Hannah giggled at the sight, but soon stopped when she saw the glare Ella was giving her, "What?"

Ella stepped forward, "You proud of yourself now? Want a prize?"

Hannah laughed carelessly at the comment, "You going to start with me too, hon?"

Ella smirked, "Oh, come on. We both know that I'd beat you so there's really no point."

𝑴𝑰𝑫𝑵𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 𝑹𝑨𝑰𝑵 • 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐢. 𝐜 (wolfblood)Where stories live. Discover now