chapter 6

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Alaska returned back to the camp as the sun was rising.
Dakota walked immediately over to him and asked if he was okay and if he had any news.
Alaska told her that he was fine as he stared at his alpha unsure if he should ask her so he stayed quiet.
Dakota looked up at Alaska as she noticed that he looked a bit unsure, "are you alright?" Dakota asked.
Alaska nodded in silence as he stared into the big blue calming eyes of his alpha.

After a few seconds of silence Dakota just nodded and turned around to go back to her den.
Alaska let out a deep sigh as he walked over to the eating spot where he found a good piece of meat to eat.

After alaska finished eating he noticed that Ghost and Verne were starting to get really close instead of friends they almost looked like mates...?
Alaska stood up and felt jealousy in his stomach he couldn't bare to see them happy while he had to meet up with his secret mate once in a while.
He walked over to Ghost, "Ghost it is your turn to go patroling, go now." Alaska commanded quite grumpy.
Ghost nodded and stood up to go patroling.
Verne stared at Alaska wondering why he was suddenly so grumpy.

"Alaska you are acting weird what is going?" Verne asked.
Alska gave her a grumpy stare as he refused to talk.
"I command you to speak as your future alpha." Verne stood up as she commanded to know what was going on with Alaska.
Alaska stared at her surprised as he now heard her speak for the first time as a real alpha.
"I am sorry Verne i don't know how to share it with our pack yet, as soon as i am ready to share it with you i will i promise you that!" He said calming down.

Verne nodded in silence as she didn't really know how to responded to his answer, "you do realise that you will have to talk with my mother eventually right?" Verne asked.
Alaska nodded, "I know and i will but not right now." He said.
Verne nodded in silence as she sat down.

Alaska waited a few seconds before leaving to his den.

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