chapter 2

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The moon was starting to rise and dakota walked over to Luna and Verne "as you both know you are going to the River this night. Luna you will be leading Verne since this is her first time and it's your 4th time." Dakota said while staring into the eyes of Luna and Verne who both nodded as they listened to their alpha.
"Now you two go on your trip I'll see you two tomorrow again, make sure you stay safe. Have a nice trip." Dakota said looking at her pack mates who thanked her and took of to start their trip to the river.

With Luna and Verne:

Luna and Verne ran out of their pack territory on their way to the River.
"How is the River like?" Verne asked.
Luna responded with "like a River."
Verne rolled with her eyes as they arrived at a field of tall grass with not a single tree.
A little further away they saw a herd of elk chilling, verne showed a small grin and started slowly walked towards the herd of elk.
Luna watched from a distance how her pack mate was hunting, Verne got closer and closer to the herd and was focusing on a young elk that walked a little further away from the herd. Verne licked her lips as she was ready to make her first move when suddenly Luna jumped right on top of the young elk and the elk let out a painful scream, Verne ran towards the young elk as luna was biting into the legs of the young elk.
Verne jumped onto the back of the young elk and bit it right into the neck as she made her final move the elk fell to the ground and the wolves had caught a nice meal for themselves.

The wolves finished up eating the dead deer and decided to walk a little further to the next forest so that They can have a safe nap there.
As soon as they arrived at the forest they noticed a nice looking spot where they could take a nap.

A few hours had past and suddenly Luna and Verne woke up from a loud gunshot that made them immediately stand up and look around to see if there was any danger close to them but the only thing they could see were birds flying out of the big open field of tall grass. "I am pretty sure that the Hunter is in that field of tall trass" Luna whisperd to Verne, Verne just nodded silently looking terrified towards the open field of tall grass.
"Come on Verne we have got to go now to the River otherwise we won't be back home before the next rising moon" Verne agreed to go on with their trip to the river so they ran of to the River that was not far away anymore.

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