It's jaw dropping it may sound it be but this is the reality. A shocking turns of events that even my stomach flipped like a pancake out there. Rmemebering the scenario over and over again inside my head, I sighed in exasperation. The more I think of it, the more confusing it gets.

Seriously? I knew that living is important but at this case? Please kill me hence my head breaks the more I think about it. I didn't even get up the bed yet and just stare at the side of the window, well, doze off the window. It's appreciated that I slipped from his grasp but it's horrifying to trust him now that he saw it.

The obvious evidence of mine.

Yet he chose to ignore it and proceeded to pretend like it's not a red sign at all. I don't understand what he might pull next, now that he knows where I live, I should let my guard up now. Who knows if he'll barged to my house and straight up kill me.

Gosh this is making it worst. I couldn't trust anyone here, do I? Just thinking about how his reaction morphed to the opposite and then opposite is scary, how would I be able to remove that memory from myself?

Or is he playing with me? He's trying to deceive me, isn't he? For me to fall for his tricks then he would kill me after that... So he would being my head back to their captain. That's what he's trying to do why he spared me right? I highly doubt that he doesn't know that I'm an Oni. Even the stupidest Momotaro that I met exactly knew what I am.

"Now that you know me well, what are you gonna pull for this time?" Sighing for a nth time, I almost went back to laying in my bed─ not until a knock came from my front door.

It better be not a Momotaro.

Although I doubt that it isn't, considering that no one knows this place except me and those trespassers that I victimized with on my blood.

Getting up groggily to the bed, my foot hit the cold hard ground gently as the coldness crept up to my body and spine, making me shiver at the sudden temperature.

As I walk towards the shoji door, I hesitated for a bit before letting out a sharp breath, opening the door as I hold to the handle.

When the door was open, I was greeted by a standing Momotaro outside; not just a random Momotaro, but Mikado. Blinking in confusion and awkwardness, I probably look like a confused rooster outside but you probably know what I am feeling on the inside.


That's all I wanna say, what's he doing here? Is he finally gonna trick me and kill me?

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing seems to come out of my mouth, tongue-tied as the words are at the tip of my tongue. There's many questions that left unanswered, like the first question, Why did he do that?

At the verge of indecision, my mind blanked.

"Please come in, Mikado." A welcoming gesture came out of my mouth instead. Ignoring the second whispers inside my head as I gave him a nervous, forced smile.

Looking at his face, he seem to be troubled over something. Just by looking at his eyebrows that furrowed than usual, his smile seem to be forced as well, or maybe he's bitter. Is he disappointed that he found out who I was? If so, why did he bother to come here.

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