I Love You Forever

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Enjoy. Magnus x Dan

Magnus is 18
Dan is 16
Emily is 12

Magnus POV-

I walk to a Sakura tree in the middle of the feild. There was a gental breeze. Some of the flowers from the tree was falling slowly. It was like a dream. I had pink roses in my hand

As I walked, Emily came into view. She was sitting under the tree with her eyes closed. She was wearing a pink dress and pink shoes. She looked peaceful.

The outfit-

As I came closer, she opened her eyes. She looked at me and smiled. Even though two years have gone by, she still looks like she was 12.

"Hey Magnus? Are those for me?" She asked. I nodded and set the flowers down beside her. I sit next her. She put her hand in mine.

"How have you been? Are you doing well? Have you and Dan having a good relationship?" She asks.

"Ya, I am good. Me and Dan are doing good as well. He can be a little childish sometimes." I tell her. She laughed.

"That's sounds like him." She said. She looked at the green feuld infront of her.

"Have you been able to rest?" I ask her. She still was looking our at the feild.

"Yes. It's very peaceful here. Not many people come so it does get lonely."

"Oh. I will try come visit more often then. Maybe I will bring Dan next time." I tell her. She giggled and looked at me.

"It's okay. But it will be good if you do. I won't force you." She said.

Emily grabed a flower that landed on her head. She twirled it around her fingers. She smiled.

"You know, things hear always looked so beutiful. I really like it here. I am glad I can spend as much time as I want here. Even if all I do is rest. It's still beutiful." Emily said. She looked really happy.

"Sadly, it's still not like the experience of being like you. You know what I mean?" She asked. There was a small hint of sadness.

"Ya, I know." I say. I felt tears sting my eyes.

"You still blame yourself do you?" She ask. I nod.

"It's not your fault. You know I wouldn't have told you. You know that if you knew, you know you would have done everything in you power to try and save me. You would have spent ever moment until the end, with me. Instead of finding your life. If I had told you, you and Dan wouldn't have gotten together. You would have been lonely." She says. I know what she means but..

"It still hurts. Knowing that you knew this and I didn't. I was supposed to look after you. I was supposed to keep you safe. I was supposed to make sure you grew up. That you grew to have a family. Not this." I say. I start to cry. I feel Emily hug me.

"It's okay. Look at the bright side, I can look after you now. And you don't have to worry about me anymore." Emily say, trying to comfort me.

"I know, but, it still doesn't make me feel better. I still failed you." I say to her.

"You didn't fail me. You gave me the beat life I could have. That's what's more important." She say.

She hugs me tighter and I do the same. She softly hums a lullaby. The one our mother used to sing to us.

I enjoy the hug. I close my eyes and ignore everything else. I just enjoy the time I have with her. We sat there muging eachother for what felt like an eternity, but in reality it was only a few minutes. I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep until I heard Dan's voice.

"Magnus. Magnus." Dan said. He gently shook me. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Hey you good? You've been here for almost an hour. Hell, you were even just asleep." Dan said. There was slight worry in his voice and in his eyes.

"Ya, I was just talking to Emily." I tell him. His eyes soften.

"Oh. Did you guys have a nice talk." He asked.

"Ya. We had a good talk. She said she is doing good." I tell Dan.

"That's good." He says.

"What time is it?"

"It's time to go. Or else we are gonna be late for Lia's party." He says. It's Lia birthday day today.

"Ya I guess we do." I say as I stood up.

I take Dan's hand and we ho down the hill. Right before we reached the bottem I look back. I don't see Emily. Just her tomb stone. It's were we buried her. She died four years ago. It turned out she never actually got better. She got really sick. By the time I found out, she only had a month left. I spent the rest of the time with her.

I looked at her tombstone. I knew what it said.

Emily Black


We Love You Forever

853 words. My first attempt at a sad story. Hope you enjoyed.

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