Human Nilllious x Human Drago

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Darkus Nillious request. In this AU, all the bakugan are humans. Nillious is bottem.

Nillious has shoulder length black hair with the tips dyed purple. He wears a black trench coat with a purple out line. He like to wear black eye liner and purple nail polish. and his left eye is dark purple while his right eye is black. Age is 14. Shorter than Drago

Drago has short dark brown hair. He wears a red trench coat and with a orange shirt underneath and black pants. He also has a tan. His left eye is red and his right looks like there's a fire in it. Watches Dan and the AO and keeps them out of trouble. Or tries to at least. The AO calls him Mama Drago sometimes. Age is 15. Taller then Nillious.

Nillious POV-

I have had a very crappy day so far. Why? I got into a fight with my roommate Magnus about my messy room. He can be a clean freak at times and I do get irritated about it. I mean, my room wasn't even that messy. Not as messy as Dan Kuzos room can get.

Anyway, we got into an argument and I went out for a walk to cool off. I ended up walking into to the park. I like comeing here. Especially, when no one was around. Like now. It's also like 6 pm which is probably why no one is here. But it's nice. The stars were showing, the moon was bright, and there was a soft breeze. It was beautiful. Just what I needed to calm down too.

To be honest, this is what I needed Vistroya is like. I closed my eye and thought about my home. How nights like this happened all the time. Expectely during the summer or spring. I thought about the forest that surrounded Vestroya and how the breeze would always bring the fresh forest air out.

As, I was remembering, a certain someone was watching me. He was one of Dan Kuzos closest friends. He came because he needed a break from the Awesome Ones. They were having a sleep over and boy, they were getting alittle two crazy for him to handle. His name was Drago. He was my boyfriend for three years. And he was watching me closely. But me being lost in thought, didn't notice. In fact I didn't even notice him walking up and sitting next to me. I only noticed he was there when he grabed my waist, turned my head and kissed me.

The kiss wasn't that long or that deep. It was like a quick peck on the lips. He pulled back and smiled at me. I felt a blush in my cheeks. I looked down and closed my eyes. A habit I do when he embarrasses me. I heard him chuckle.

"What's wrong? Did I make you feel all flustered Nil?" He whispered to me. I looked up to him and nodded. Even when we are sitting he is taller then me.

"Your so cute when you blush." He said with a smile. He grabbed my waist and put me in his lap.

"Shut up." I say as I hide my face in my hands. He chuckled and grabbed my hands and pulled them away from my face. He huged me and rubbed circles on my back. He was a very caring boyfriend. He would always comfort me when I needed it. He would do the same with Dan and the AO as well. He was always keeping and eye on them and yelling at them when they were doing something really stupid. Even though he always joins them in doing what ever they are doing. He's like a giant teddy bear at times.

"So, you want to talk about it?" He ask me. He always knows when something is wrong with me.

"Me and Magnus got into a fight." I tell him.

"What was it about?"

"Just how messy my room was. That's all." I say against his shoulder.

"He can be a clean freak sometimes."

"I KNOW RIGHT? I mean, my room wasn't even that messy." I rant. I was sitting in Dragos lap with my arms crossed. He was just looking at me and smiling.

"Your so cute when you angry." He says. I slap his head for that.

"Shut up!" I yell at him. All he did was laugh and held his arm out to defend himself. I then got out of his lap and stood up and walked away out of iratation. I ran after me and followed me.

He grabbed my waist and kissed me. But, it wasn't like the quick peck he gave me at first. This was more, how would Emily call it, romantic. We moved our lips in sync and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He held on to my waist and pulled me close. He deepened the kissed by holding my head and parting my lips. I gasped as his tongue sliped into my mouth. His tongue felt warm and comforting. He explored my mouth and I explored him. If we were in a room, this would have probably gotten heated very quickly. But luckily we weren't. So we just enjoyed eachothers warmth and flavor. We would have stayed like this all night but, Dragos phone rang.

"Shit. Who's calling me?" Drago said as he reached for his phone.

"Ten bucks and a kiss that it's Dan." I say with a playfully tone. He answered and put it on speaker. I immediately hear Dan yelling.


"How the hell? You know what put Lia on the phone." Drago says.

"LIA MAMA DRAGO WANTS YOU!" Dan yells. We hear some shuffling before Lia answered.

"IT WASN'T MY FAULT! DAN PULL FOIL IN THE MICROWAVE TO SEE WHAT WOULD HAPPEN! WE TOLD HIM NOT TO BUT HE STILL DID IT." Lia yelled. We heard Dan in the background yell snitch. Drago sighed.

"I will be there in ten minutes try to clean some stuff up before I get there. Okay?"

"Yes mom." Lia answered and hung up.

"Welp. Looks like I got to go and save my kids. I swear I was gone for only twenty, thirty minutes at most." He says.

"Ya, your kids need you. Shit, I guess that means I got to go home and clean my room." I say with a sigh. Drago turns to me and gives me a kiss on the forehead. I smile.

"I am glad that I got to see you today." Drago says. I kiss him on the cheek before, literally, running off. I could feel Drago staring to me. I am lucky to have a boyfriend like him. He's the best.

1135 words. Hope you enjoyed. I have decided that I will only edit the first few chapters of Baby Magnus. I will post it again after and then I will start working on a new His Little Umbrella Boy chapter. Until then, have a good time.

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