Patil looks at her confused. "He is the foreign delegate. You're to accompany him."

"What?" Madhu asks shocked.

"When you're ready to leave, just call me." Patil tells her as he turned to look at her.


"Yes. I'll bring the car around. What's your number?"

Madhu looks at him in confusion. "What am I supposed to do here?"

Patil looks at her confused and says confused. "I don't know. Go for some event."

"Event?" Madhu asks confused.

"I think that one." Patil points at a flex.

Madhu turns and stops in shock seeing it was the BIM (Building Information Modelling) event. It was the biggest event in the city and it was strictly invites only. It had everything and anything connected to the construction industry and all the major companies were participating in it. Madhu couldn't hide her joy realizing that this was a surprise from Rishabh for her.


"Yes... give me your number." Madhu quickly saves his number and calls him back. "That's my number."

"Okay. I'll check whether Mr. Alex is ready."

"Who is he?" Madhu asks confused.

"I think an investor. I've been driving him around since he got here. You are supposed accompany him for the event. Didn't sir tell you anything?"

Madhu shakes her head. "He is not big on communication."

"Yes." Patil sadly sighs.

Madhu almost chuckles out loud.


Madhu quickly hangs up after she informed her mother that she would be late because she was attending the event. She was about to call up Rishabh and thank him for this surprise when she noticed Patil talking to a man, she quickly hurries to them to introduce herself.

She felt uncomfortable with the way this Alex man was looking her up and down as she politely introduced herself.

"I'll be outside." Patil tells them and leaves.

Madhu nods and excitedly she turns to Alex. "This way, sir."

"Lead the way." He says with a lecherous smile.

Madhu politely smiles to hide her discomfort and walks to the event section. Alex walked behind her as he watched the gentle sway of her hips. Mentioning Rishabh's company name, they were allowed entrance.

Madhu was having the time of her life as she went from one stall to the next.

"Mr. Kundra didn't tell me you knew so much about all this." Alex whispers near her ears.

Madhu uncomfortably moves a little away and replies to him, "I'm a first year civil engineering student."

"Oh... interesting." Alex replies.

Madhu turns around to walk to the next stall, when he brushes his body against her from behind. Madhu stops in shock.

"All Mr. Kundra said was that, he is going to send me someone who will show me the stars. Let's get out of here." Alex tells her as he brushed his erection against her ass and his hand caressed her breast.

Madhu turns around and slaps him furiously.

"Bitch!" Alex shouts in anger.

Madhu furiously pushes him off and runs out of there as tears spilled from her eyes.


She couldn't go home in that state and the only place she could think of was the flat.

It's been an hour as she thought of what Rishabh did and she couldn't control her tears and her heart break. She sat on the floor of the living room as she hugged herself and cried. All this while, knowing that she was the only girl in his life, she had been deluding herself into thinking they were in a relationship, and that she was not his mistress but his girlfriend.

Hearing her mobile ring, Madhu looks and sees that it was Rishabh. he had been calling her for some time now, she cuts the call.

She couldn't believe that he would do this to her. how could he? Was it so easy for him to ask her to sleep with someone else like he had asked her to be his mistress.

Hearing the door open, she hugs herself and closed her eyes shut tight.

"Madhu..." Rishabh calls her.

Hearing him, she couldn't handle her heart break and anger, she furiously turns to him.

"I am your mistress. That doesn't mean that I would sleep with any man that you want me to." Madhu furiously tells him.

Rishabh furiously stares at her.

"How dare you do this to me?" Madhu furiously asks him.

"Well you should have made it clear that you would only sleep with me." Rishabh furiously tells her.

Madhu holds in her sob hearing him.

"Get the fuck out of here, Madhu." Rishabh orders her and walks off to the bedroom.

End of Part Eight

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Rishabala FF : Mistress Series 2 - Mistress of His HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang