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Charge POV
I have just finished my first solo assignment, stopping a robbery. Three villains tried to rob the Centropolis bank, but I was able to stop them. All those years of training have paid off. I felt my comm go off, mom calling me. Quickly, I focused on the signal of the call. This is my first time doing this, hopefully it works. I close my eyes and hope that it works. Slowly I begin to feel my body transform into pure energy. I disappear into a nearby lamp post. I travel through the network of electrical wires. Until I appear on a rooftop, where my parents Nano and Breeze are waiting for me.

"I did!" I say, joyfully as I walk close to them.

"We are so proud of you, Charge." Mom declared as she pulled
me to a tight hug. I smiled at her praise, I stopped my first robbery without my parents help.

"You are bringing honor to the nanoshockling legacy, son." Dad remarked, as he put his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. I am finally a superhero!. Mom let go of me, and I noticed she had tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong mom?" I asked, worried. She sighed and quickly wiped her tears.

"Son, now that you have powers and can help save and protect the innocent. I am going to retire from herowork, and live a civilian life." She explained, as she looked at me nervously. She loves being a hero, Breeze and Nano are such an ironic superhero duo!

"What if we need you?" I ask, confused.

"Charge, I will always be there to come to your side in times of need. Breeze is who I am, but it's time for the new generation to rise of the Nanoshock legacy. Since everyone will look to you to lead them." Mom answered, while she handed me a futuristic watch. "If you ever need me, just move the hour hand around 3 times clockwise."

I looked at the watch she handed to me. It reminded me of the watch my dad wears in his civilian identity. I held the watch tightly to my chest, and looked down. No! I have always wanted to fight alongside my parents. Now I can't do that because she is retiring.

"Charge, I know this is overwhelming to you. But it's going to be okay, your mother made this choice because it's what's best." Dad explains, while tilting my chin up so I would be looking at him. I noticed mom was gone already, she's moving on quickly from this life. But something feels weird about this, there's something else going on.

"I understand that, but why is it the best option?" I asked, intrigued. Dad looked at me, then walked to the edge of the rooftop. He was looking at the busy city, filled with nightlife.

"Son, have you heard of someone called Dark Mayhem?" He asked, with his back facing me now.

"No, based on the name it's obvious. That he isn't a superhero, so that means he is a supervillain." I say as I think about who he possibly is.

"He is the leader of the league of supervillains. You know Havoc, Starling's archnemesis? She serves Dark Mayhem, you have seen what she is capable of. My point is Dark Mayhem is a threat to this country. It's up to the Nanoshock legacy to ensure he is stopped." Dad explained, with disgust. He's dangerous because of those that serve him. But villains only bow down to those that are superior and they fear.

"That's why you and mom spent years going after Surge. Because she is in a position of power within the league." I exclaimed, everything is starting to make sense now. But I feel like something is off about this.

"Correct, I hate to admit it. But we have never been able to catch her. However, now that you have proven yourself ready. It now falls to you to ensure Dark mayhem's downfall." He reveals as he turns around and faces me.

"I won't let you down Dad." I promise, as I look at him with determination. It's time for me to live up to my legacy.

"I know you won't let me down because you are my son. You come from two strong and respected legacies. That will not accept failure of any sort, because Nanoshock's are always perfect." He says, with pride. Failure isn't an option, only success. "I am going to head home, you are expected to patrol until 11. After that I will come and relieve you of your duties."

"Yes, Dad I will see you later." I responded, he nodded at me pleased. He took off into the night sky and flew home, while giving hope to the citizens of Centropolis. This is my life now, mom's retired and I have a huge legacy to fill.

Charge and Havoc, a balance of good and evilWhere stories live. Discover now