The True motive of Nezu's help (Mini Chapter)

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《Chapter 5》

~ Nezu's Principle office ~

In Nezu's office 4 people sat. 2 of them was the Midoriya's and Izuku's friend Shinso Hayashida and across of them behind a desk was the Principle of UA Nezu. Nezu sipped his tea along with Izuku. The akward silence was palpable until it was broken by Nezu himself. "You have bad luck with schools Izuku-kun." Nezu said with amusement in his voice.

This almost made Izuku snort "Yeah I'm really terrible at picking schools do you have any recommendations." Izuku said calmly.

"Well I can recommend a school but I wish to test you first. Can you please solve this worksheet for me." Nezu asked passing the paper to Izuku. Izuku looked at it and started to work.

~ 30 minutes later ~

Izuku put his pencil down and pasted it to nezu and nezu checked it and grinned widely creeping Inko and Hayashida out but izuku was calm. "You truly are smart tell me Izuku what have you studied so far?" Nezu asked and Izuku looked at him and said calmly

"I have read all of high school level material."

Inko and Hayashida eyes widened and Nezu grinned "so why bother going through middle school?" Nezu asked curiously.

"Well I want to go to UA and when I go I want to have at least a friend or 2 when I get their." Izuku said with his eyes close this surprised his mother and Hayashida and got a nod of understanding from Nezu.

"Yes humans are social creatures so it only makes sense that would be the case" Nezu said

"Well I will recommend going to Soumei Middle school. It's a private school for the rich but I will sponsor you if you come to U.A and become my personal Student." Nezu said but before Izuku could answer Inko spoke up first.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you helping my baby boy? I appreciate that your helping my son don't get me wrong but I just want to understand your motivate." Inko asked seriously

Nezu took a sip of his tea and said "I'm looking for a successor. To take up the mantle of Principle. I was gonna choose eraserhead but I doubt he would accept it. I may not look it but I got at least 10 to 15 more years of life left in me and with me being in the hero business not even that is an accurate estimate considering anything could happen."

Everyone even Izuku was shocked "Y-you want me to be the next Principle of U.A?!" Izuku asked shocked making Nezu nod

"No affence Izuku but Nezu-san what made you choose Izuku I don't see anything special about him. Though my opinion might not be valid since I only met him today." Hayashida said in a bored tone making Nezu smile. The smile wasn't predatory like the others he have but a genuine smile.

"Izuku is similar to me. He is Intelligent, kind hearted, logical, understands human emotion, and Strong. The only thing he lacks is experience and in UA and becoming a hero I have no doubts he will make an excellent successor." Nezu said looking at Izuku.

"So what do you say?" Nezu asked looking at Izuku. Izuku closed his eyes thinking about the pros and cons of being the principal. So when he thought of what hero he wanted to be he thought of All Might a Pillar of peace. Then Izuku just realized a society that relies on one pillar is doomed to fail.

So Izuku raised his head with determination in his eyes and grinned " I guess I can follow in your foot steps to guide the next generation when I older." Izuku said making Nezu grin

"I have a feeling your gonna be great" Nezu said with a smirk.

《To be continued》

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