Bad Liar

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Despite my alarm clock being broken, I woke up at the same time as usual. A matter of habit I guess. I got up and took a shower before getting dressed. I added a red barrette to my hair because I love those... Not because I had to meet that Nick Wilde or anything.

I get in my car and drive towards the Coffee Latte. When I arrive, the bell over the door rings softly as i push it. Emily, one of the waitresses with whom I sympathized since i was a regular, gives me a wide smile that I return. Then my glance sweeps the room in search of someone who could be Nick Wilde. My glance stops on...

"Ed Sheeran ?!"

All eyes are on me at my shout. I clear my throat, embarrassed.

Dummy, dummy, dummy... was on repeat in my head as i walked towards the redhead still mortified. For some reason, I was sure it was him, Nick Wilde. Today he was wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and blue jeans. It was awfully casual but it looked unnecessarily good on him.

I hate it.

I sat down with a fake semblance of calm in front of him and said :

"You are Nick Wilde, aren't you ?"

"Nice guess, I didn't expect you to be Lieutenant Harper..."

"I told you I was a cop." I gritted through my teeth.

"My bad, everyone makes mistakes, right ?" That shit-eating grin on his face showed me he wasn't sorry at all.

"Indeed... Now, let's talk about why I called you..." I wasn't here for this so I moved on with the subject.

"I'm all ears."

"I'd like you to help me with an investigation."

"And what's in it for me ?"

"Whatever you want... If it's money, no problem."

"Whatever i want, you say..." He put his crossed arms on the table, leaning on it. His index tapped his chin in a thinking manner.

I felt like i was going to regret my wording really soon.

"Yeah ? Name your price."

He seemed to think some more before leaning closer to me and saying with a smile that didn't tell me anything good :

"I don't want money. Be my girlfriend, Harper."


"W-what ?" I spluttered.

"I said-"

"Yes, I heard you, but why- ?"

"I am bored, I guess."

Why did i even ask.

"Never mind, I can't."

"Why ? Are you taken ?"

"Isn't it obvious ? I can't date someone I barely know and have no feelings for."

Nick didn't answer. There was an awkward silence where I wondered if I should accept or not. I avoided looking him in the eye and kept my eyes fixed on the cup of iced tea I had ordered. My heart was racing. I didn't know what was making me feel that way, his request or the anticipation of his response. Yet the squeak of his chair made me look up. He had stood up. Seeing my puzzled look, he said in a friendly tone :

"If you can't accept my offer then I fear I can't answer yours."

Wait, don't tell me he's going to leave like that...

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