The One Rule pt. 2

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They were all in the living room.
No one said a word since they came back from the forbidden hallway.

"Ok so what did we just see?" Duke said as he got up from couch "because what we saw can't be true"

"How can it not be true" Steph said said looked up at Duke from his seat.

"I know but I just mean" Duke tried his beast to word it "would Bruce really do that"

"That's what I'm trying make sense of" Tim said "Bruce was a accepting of all us but what happens to this so called Damian" Tim didn't understand why the man that had said that would be there no matter what would lock a child up and not even acknowledge them.

"He was hurting" Cass spoke "he said he tried everything to please them but nothing worked"

"He said his mom was Talia so what exactly happened to him because Talia is alive and well" Dick pointed out to his siblings

"I think we can understand more of we watch this" Jason pulled out an unmarked DVD to show his siblings

"You got that from a dead kids room" Duke asked but wasn't a question more of a critique on Jason stealing from the dead.

"Yes but when me and Dick were in the play room there was a few unmarked DVDs" grabbed Tim's computer from the table and started to unlock it "we thought it was a game until we saw him on the screen say his name and than it started glitching out" Jason was weirded out from a video of a kid talking to himself and announcing his name.

"So you think kept a video log?" Duke asked but it was a genuine question this time.

"I mean it's likely that he did it to keep himself from going insane" Dick said

"Let's just be quiet and watch the it" Steph said to them as she sat down on the couch.

They all say down crowding around the computer trying to get a better look on the screen.

The video started and they saw the same boy from earlier but this time he wasn't so translucent. He had Bruces black wavy hair and Talia's acidic green eyes, he was wearing a black sweater and a grey t-shirt, he looked a little less sad than thay had seen him in his room, he took a deep breath before he spoke.

"My name is Damian Wayne Al Ghul" he pulled out a notebook and flipped through a few pages before speaking agian "It has been two years since my mother, Talia Al Ghul, had left me to live with my father, Bruce Wayne"

Damian swiveled in his chair before speaking again "I have not seen mother in the time being and father has visited me less and less" Damian picked one of his toys from off camera and looked away from the camera "he said he will visit me again in two days and I hope he has time to look at my new art work I've made An maybe he can listen to my violin" Damian smiled at the thought of his father spending time with him.

The siblings saw how cute Damians little smile was how cute he was acting like a little kid.

"Pennyworth is currently sick and I do hope he gets better" Damian placed his toy down "I over heard father say something about a new criminal calling himself the Joker but I don't think father has to worry" Damian picked up his note book and started to write something in it

"I hope he lets me go to the garden again the bird nest eggs have just hatched" Damian was so excited to spend time with Bruce "I'm must go now the sun is setting and I don't want to miss this painting" Damian placed down his notebook and was ready to turn off the recording "I'm Damian Wayne Al Ghul and I'm saying goodbye"

And just like that the video ended and the screen went dark.

"He said Alfred was sick when he died..." Duke said

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