Part one: This is just an introduction

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Dick grayson was an acrobat from the halys circus. He had curly shirt black hair and gorgeous blue eyes. And he was the best trapeze artist around, the way he swung in the air, the way he could catch the bar. It was so impressive, so intriguing, so attractive... And here I am abi Kral a girl he doesn't even knows exists. A girl sitting in the crowd just staring at an acrobat, at a circus.. very ordinary abi. what the fuck am I doing?.. but then as I was watching him do the thing where he hangs upside down I noticed he looked at me. HE LOOKED AT ME. wait it must have been an accident. Right? RIGHT?? I kept watching him, staring at him. He must think I am a creepy bitch or something. The show ended and everyone got up to leave I went to exit the tent when I heard a man's voice say "hey" I turned around to see dick grayson with a towl wiping the sweat off his next. He can't be talking to me. Is he? "so your the girl that goes to all of my performances??" OH MY GOD! what the fuck do I say "uh yeah I guess" did I just stutter, what fucking bland-ass response abi. "I don't mean to alarm you or anything I just noticed you come here often, sorry if I am bothering you, I need to get back inside anyway," he said dropping his hand from his neck with the town still in hand. "oh no you aren't bothering me I am just not good at talking." I tried the giggle a little but it just came out like a toddler who just found paw patrol.  Oh my god, abbi. He looked confused for a second, then smiled and replied "well thanks for coming then I will catch you later." as he walked away I noticed he dropped something, a necklace, I picked it up "hey wait, you dropped this" he turned around. I handed him the necklace "oh thank you" he smiled and started walking back onto the tent.. oh god. This whole day is one big disaster.
After he left, I went home and thought about my conversation with him. What should I do abi? I can't act normal going back to one of his performances. I have to stop being so fucking awkward, I just gotta go back to normal and stop obsessing about a guy I probably won't talk to again God, I can do this abi, just go to another performance and try to forget about it. Yeah sure, like hell. That's easier said than done. I can't let him keep messing with my head. He is a stranger. I am a stranger. It shouldn't matter how hot he is or cool the way he swings on the trapeze. It's fine. I'll just go to another show and maybe we'll run into each other again but it will be okay. No problem at all abbi. I spent the entire night thinking about what to wear, trying to figure out if there was any chance I would bump into him again, and then eventually fell asleep.

This was definitely NOT a good idea.
A few days later the next performance was happening right outside of my campus which makes everything all the more awkward. This time there were fewer people there just a few families and some people who probably just started dsting. My nerves were killing me by the time I walked inside. There was Dick Grayson himself in his usual spot at the top of the trapeze stage. Why does he look so damn pretty? What the fuck am I gonna do?

(A/N: sorry for this being short. I just wanted to introduce both of them a little, and give yall a little taste of what's to come.)

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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