"Because I am one." He speaks truthfully. Dark knew gremlin may not believe him, but he wouldn't lie to the only person who has ever made him feel whole. Gremlin's soft smile faded as he looked into his eyes, raising a brow.

"What do you mean?" She questioned and loosened the hold on his hand. She knew something was off, but she still couldn't believe him. She couldn't get another word out, patiently waiting for his reply, his explanation "I mean, I am a Genie, dear." Darkiplier was known around to be a liar, but he hoped she would look into his eyes and see only the truth. Because gremlin knew all the lies people told about him, she knew his reputation but still went on a date with him

"Sure you are!" She said, still being confused about what he meant. She truly believed he was a good person deep down, but the lies he told were guarding the way there. She brushed it off and stopped thinking about it. "Oh... should we go inside?" She said and put his hand on the cold door knob, twisting it open.
Dark stopped, looked inside the house then back at her with his signature charming and smexy smile. "Of course." He replied, placing his hand gently on the door for her to go inside first, like a gentleman should. Gremlin went inside, taking her shoes off and hanging her jacket on a hook on the wall. "Go on! Come inside there's nothing to worry about!" She said and looked at him with a fond smile. She tried not to think about what he said, but she couldn't get it off her mind. She went to boil some water for the tea, glancing over at Dark with a soft smile on her face.

Dark calmly strutted in and removed his blazer, hanging it on the coat hanger; leaving him in only his white button up shirt, black tie and black pants. He unbuttoned his cuffs and lifted up his sleeves to his elbows, causing his muscles to be perfectly outlined by the white shirt. "Thank you for..inviting me." He mumbled Gremlin couldn't help but stare, her mouth opening and almost spilling the hot water.

"Wow... I mean... Thank you for coming!" She said nervously and layed the teapot on the counter, slowly moving closer to him. Her eyes still locked on him and his handsome figure.
Darkiplier smirked, he knew every thought going through her head. Truly he was amused. Dark let out another baritone chuckle, approaching her ever so casually. "I'll always be here, as long as you want me to." He explained, tilting his head down and giving her a playful smile Gremlin looked up at his eyes, looking into them deeply and feeling his heart melt. "Always?" She asked and layed her hand on his waist softly, trying not to scare him with her touch.

She slowly inched closer to him, feeling his muscles hesitantly. She didn't know if he would'velet her do that, but she tried, Dark tensed up a bit, but he liked her the touch. He let out a small laugh and brought his hand up to her cheek, caressing it with his calloused hands. Her adored and worshiped the feeling of her hands on his waist and eased into it. "Signs point to ʏᴇs." he whispered to her.
Gremlin wrapped her arms around him again, like earlier. She leaned in, closing her eyes slowly and feeling his soft lips touch hers. She put her hand in his hair, barely reaching up there and running her fingers in his hair. "That felt... great" She said and slowly got back on the ground, her legs getting used to reaching up to him Dark let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding. He nods in agreement and caresses the back of her head. No matter how many times he kissed her, he still got butterflies in his stomach. "Yes..." He agrees, laughing at the fact that he couldnt speak for a few seconds. "How about that tea now?..."

Gremlin felt like she was woken up by Dark switching the subject. Like she was in a dream while kissing him. "Oh.. Yeah!" She said, feeling her cheeks turning a bright red hue. She poured some hot water in their cups and put in teabags. As she waited for the tea to be ready, she kept nervously looking at Dark and his handsome face. Dark followed her into the kitchen like a lost puppy. Her eyes bore into the back of her head, darting between her soft lips and beautiful hair. He could feel Gremlin's eyes on him, he could feel she was nervous. He smirked at that, running his hand through his hair. "Do I make you nervous?" He asks flirtatiously yet carefully. He didn't want to spook her away...

Gremlin threw the teabag away and stirred the tea. She looked at him and smiled nervously, her blush calming down. "No! Not at all!" She said and looked away for a second. She giggled slightly and took her first sip, guiding Dark to sit down to drink his tea too. "Ow!" She said loudly, the tea burning her tongue.

He had followed her and jumped a bit when she exclaimed in pain. He rushed to her side and placed one of his big hands on her back. "Are
you alright?" he asks in a rush Gremlin looked at him and felt his heart melt when he came to her aid. She looked at his eyes and felt that his concern was genuine. "I'm okay... I burned my tongue, wait before you drink it!" She said and smiled widely at him, kissing his cheek quickly which was much easier than when they were standing up Dark watched her in concern, though it slowly faded as he noticed she was alright.

His grey cheeks burned due to the kiss he received and he cleared his throat in embarrassment, sitting down across from her on the table. "Thank you..." Gremlin looked at him, feeling butterflies in her stomach. She was lucky to be with him and she felt better than ever. It finally felt like everything was going smoothly. She gave him a soft smile, looking at his red cheeks and chuckling. She moved her chair closer to his and sat back down, taking another sip that didn't burn anymore.

Dark placed a hand on her thigh, not in a suggestive way, simply in a loving way. He could help but smile at her in astonishment. How did he manage to find a person like that? The truth is, he didn't find her, she found him. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't predict such an amazing person coming into his life.

Gremlin stared at his deep and dark eyes, zoning out looking at them. She snapped out of it and smiled gently. "So uh.. what's your favorite color?" She asked and bit her tongue. She shouldn't have asked an awkward question like that. She got embarassed and her eyes wandered accross the walls of the kitchen, before re-routing to his eyes Dark was caught of guard by that question and had no choice but to let out a laugh of amusement. "My favorite color?" He spoke in between giggles.

"I'd have to say red and blue. Two very beautiful yet completely opposite of one another." He finished then nodded his head towards her. "What about you, darling?" Gremlin was surprised by his answer. She looked at him up and down and smiled gently. She loved when he called her darling, it made her feel loved.

"Mine is the color of your eyes... but I like red and blue too" She said and got embarassed by her answer. She wasn't prepared for such a proper answer from him Dark chuckled once more and put his hand on top of hands, almost covering her whole hand.

He slowly brought his other hand under her chin, lifting it up just slightly. "Don't be embarrassed, we are here to get to know each other more, correct?"

"Yes!" She said and calmed down, mimicking Dark's breathing. "Sorry! I'm not used to being with such a gentleman" She said and felt her hands getting warmer by his touch. Her blush faded and she got lost into his eyes once more, slowly closing her eyes again. He nods along with her words, amusement smeared all over his face. Dark tilts his head to the side.

"A gentleman, you say?" He chuckles, his chest vibrating as he does so. "Only for you" he went on. She smiled and shivered hearing him say those words.

"I better let you home, It's getting late!" She said and scratched the back of her neck, standing up and leaving the half empty cup of tea on the table.
Dark snapped out of his lovesick daze and stood up abruptly, causing the chai under him to screech loudly. "Yes, perhaps I should." He agreed, walking towards the entrance, fixing his shirt and grabbing his blazer; not nothing to put it back on.

He began opening the door She took a few quick steps to the door and took his hand, turning his head towards hers. "You never gave me your number! How do I reach you again?" She asked, looking at his blazer hanging from his hand Dark stopped and turned around, grabbing something from his blazer. A small lamp, the size of four fingers. "You already know the answer..." he stated. After he quickly turned around and walked away into the night.

She ran towards the door and opened it, looking into the dark and not seeing him standing there. "Dark wait!" She screamed, her words echoing in the night. She could feel a single raindrop falling onto her nose, and tears flowing from her eyes. "Dark!" She yelled and fell to her knees, screaming into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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