🗡Chapter 7🗡

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*You wake up to find Geralts arm tightly around your waist and you smile at the thought of being safe in Geralts arms. You run your thumb on his cheek gently.*
*Geralt wakes up immediately, then moves and things become quite awkward between you both*

Geralt: If you want my help to get back home we should leave now!

*you nod*
*You finish getting ready and you head for the door and you overhear Geralt speaking with Vesemir*

Vesemir: You must look after her Geralt she is special!

Geralt: She's a distraction the quicker I get her home the quicker she'll become less of a distraction!

Vesemir: She a good girl and a good fighter, she can help you! She can help us!

Geralt: We don't need her! She's a distraction Vesemir and we'll be better off without her! I'll be better off without her she's also got too much baggage!

*Your heart sank to the thought of Geralt saying these mean things about you... you thought he liked you well not like like but you had no idea he didn't want you to be here!*
*Tears ran down your cheek and as you wipe them Vesemir sees you but says nothing acting as if you're not there! He knew you heard and he felt.*

Vesemir: Geralt she's a good girl and she needs your help!

Geralt: And I shall help her get home and away from me. Now if you excuse me I have to see if she's ready!

*You immediately come out and say you are ready. You do not smile but have a serious face knowing Geralt wants to get rid of you like you're just a fly lingering around*

Vesemir: It was nice meeting you Y/n I hope to see you again soon.

*The disbelief on his face says it all*

Y/n: You too Ves!

Geralt: Let's go.

*You both hop on roach and ride for about 4 hours in pure silence not a single word..*

*You make a stop at some herb shop and you both go inside.*
Geralt: I need witch hazel an- Yennefer?

Yennefer: Oh my Geralt is that really you?

*She goes up to Geralt and kisses him... he pulls back *
Geralt: Yen this is Y/n I'm helping her get home.

*She just glares at you as if you've stolen her man which she doesn't have to worry about that he wants to get you of you as soon as possible*

Yennefer: Do you need my help? I can get her home.

Y/n: No you won't be able to help!

Yennefer: Wow very quick to say that almost as if you want to stay!

Y/n: I don't but you can't help me just give what Geralt wants and we'll be on our way!

*You storm out and go for a walk*

* You heard rustling*

Y/n: Geralt?

*You hear footsteps coming closer... and closer... and closer...*

Y/n: Geralt! It's not funny please just come out!

*You turn around*

Y/n: Geralt I sai-

*Everthing goes black*

~Geralt's pov~

*I come back to roach and see Y/n isn't there... Where did she go? I wait about 5 minutes and she still hasn't returned so I go and look for her*

Geralt: Y/N!!!! Y/N!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU?

*10 minutes looking for her and I couldn't find her... She's been taken...*
Athors note: hey sorry it's short got my GCSE results coming through and I'm stressed hopefully will be posting tomorrow no promises but I'll post as soon as I can! Let me know what you think 💭 xx

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