| the honeymoon |

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Do not read this if you have not finished Lethal. This is a one-shot specifically for the protagonists in that book.

Please note that this one-shot takes place prior to some of the events discussed in the bonus chapter in Lethal.

Without further adieu, in honor of Molly's birthday (Today, October 11th), here's the first one-shot!


Recently married and full of playfully useless competition. Enjoy a post-epilogue view of Molly and Harry.

Molly Styles

The fresh breeze hits my skin, sending a rush of tranquility through my body. I take one final look at the night sky, admiring the luminosity of the stars, before shutting my eyes and resting my forehead on Harry's back. My grip around his waist tightens and I exhale quietly, feeling the road beneath us.

I never thought I'd be taking a motorcycle ride through Greece, but here I am. It's more perfect than anything I could've imagined, especially after such a lively wedding. We've been here for not even a couple hours, and I'm already confident that this was the best choice for our honeymoon.

"You good, Mols?" Harry's voice calls over the wind.

I look up, resting my chin on his shoulder. My hair fans out, blowing in the wind behind us as I stare ahead at the empty, dark road. Subtly, I kiss his shoulder, covered by the old fabric of a cardigan, before replying, "I'm great. Just tired."

We were on a flight all day. We left late last night, immediately after our wedding, and got here this afternoon.

I smile just thinking about it. Our wedding.

I peer down at my hand, locating the shine of my ring. My grin grows some more. The wedding was everything. A small ceremony, located outdoors with nothing but the sunset and our friends. Everyone was there: Sakura, Niall, Kiara, my parents, and Zayn- even Landon. A few more guests, including some of Harry's friends from Serpent's like Wyatt and James attended, but overall there were no more than thirty people.

Neither of us wanted anything huge. It was enough guests to have fun with, but also enough to not be embarrassed in front of. We had a large outdoor dinner table underneath a canopy, along with a dance floor and the cutest gift table.

Several more decorations and items were organized all over, like flowers and balloons. Though, I think that the best aspects of the entire ceremony were the things that Harry wanted to include. The list is long, but some of his best ideas were a photo booth, a chocolate fountain, and a non-alcoholic drink bar.

He didn't want to have alcohol at our wedding, which I was completely okay with. He's been sober for over a year and no matter how important that night was to either of us, that's a streak that should not be risked getting broken.

He did tell his friends that if they wanted to sneak some alcohol in for themselves, then they would just have to hide it from him.

The night went by a lot faster than I expected. I spent all morning with my mother, Sakura and Kiara at my parents' house getting ready. My mother insisted on hiring people to do my makeup and hair, and so to apologize for dying it red, I graciously let her. Once everything was settled, we went to the wedding location and got everything in order. The catering and floral services did their job and they did it perfectly. Harry and I didn't have a specific theme. We just wanted it to be a wedding we both loved, and after arriving there yesterday, I knew that plan was going to be executed.

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