The Night Forest.

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Quebec waited until 4 in the morning, as she silently swooped out of her room, making no sound at all.  She flew when possible, her owl wings made no sound at all when flying. It was her safest bet, even though her wings were huge. 

She stopped where she was and listened for a minute, to any sounds any movements and heard the distinct sound of snoring. She figured it was safe to go. She slowly walked along the hallway as it was too narrow to fly. She turned to look at who the security guard was.

The small sun orbiting around their head was a dead giveaway of it being B.C. The mini-sun they had orbiting constantly gave off light and heat, for the first few years of their life British Columbia could not sleep. The sun would glow and keep them up for hours and hours and they would always be on the verge of passing out. Soon they adapted and gained the ability to sleep through the sun.

British Columbia fell off their chair but continued to stay asleep. Quebec stared at them for a solid 5 seconds before concluding that B.C. was not waking up anytime soon. She spread her wings hitting them in the head then flew off, leaving the faint sound of snoring behind her.

Quebec flew swiftly through the nighttime air. Illuminated by an array of stars, it looked beautiful. She flew over trees and far away from her house in the woods. She flew for hours and hours and hours, listening to the hum of wildlife below and the cold wind that pressed against her body. It felt like freedom. 

A buzz in her pocket made her head turn, suddenly coming to the appalling realization that she might be being tracked she quietly landed on a pile of vegetation in the forest below her. She closed her wings and checked the pocket of her brown-grey shirt. It ended up just being a phone.

Canada's phone she realized happily, without his phone Canada couldn't get all the provinces to look for her straight away. He'd have to call a manual meeting which could take hours, even days for everyone to show up. She did a little happy jumpy motion,  before taking to the skies again. She was so confident she didn't hesitate to do little tricks, in the air.

She knew that nobody could hurt her while she was flying. Only one other province was even born with wings, and right now she reckoned he was playing 'Go Fish' with Manitoba and Alberta other than actively looking for her.

She eventually made it to a bustling bright metropolis, she knew here that nobody could track her or hurt her.

 She pulled her hood above her head, and started exploring.

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