Goemon nods his head: Thank You.

Eating the food it was good hospitality and you liked how kind and respectful he was.  He always seemed quiet as well, except for when he is instructing you.  Finishing your food Goemon tells you to sit on the yoga mat to relax your body.  

Entering back into you room you sat down on the mat and crossed your legs, Goemon then instructed you to keep a straight posture and close your eyes.  

Goemon: You will hear the sound of my voice fade away as you enter a transient place in your mind.  You will relax your mind and body and go into a calming state, letting go of the stress your body feels or has been through.

Y/N: Okay...*you sit up straight and relax your core with your eyes closed*

Goemon turns on small speaker he sets down in front of you and played some calming Japanese lo-fi music that was nature-like.  You felt yourself get sleepy almost falling over and you jerk back up sitting up straight.

Goemon calmly spoke: Keep your posture up while meditating, that's important.

Relaxing your mind and body you felt yourself go into an empty light blue room in your mind.  All there was was a waterfall falling into a little crystal pool filled with Koi Fish.  

   Turning around you then saw Goemon standing behind you in his light blue kimono and light grey striped hakama pants, his arms behind his back as he walked next to you in front of the koi pond and waterfall.

Goemon: You are getting along quickly I see, finding a peaceful place in your mind is essential to your emotional well-being.  

Y/N: Those koi fish are quite peaceful to me

Goemon: Then this shall be your place of tranquility in your mind to transcend your mistakes and downfalls.  It is important to keep this place in your head to keep you mentally stable.

Y/N: I understand


Transitioning back out of your mind you open your eyes and find yourself in the same room sitting upon your yoga mat.

  You discover it was already morning and the next day.  You stumble awake standing up surprised.  

Goemon:  I see you've entered the transcending meditation place in your mind?

Y/N: You were there!

Goemon: I was?  How strange..., anyhow I have your second lesson for this morning.  Please, I've made you some breakfast in the dining room.

You then follow and eat your breakfast in the dining room that morning and then you and Goemon go outback in the grass by the woods.

Goemon: Usually when someone meditates they try to clear of all the people in their minds from their head.  If you envisioned me in your tranquil space, then it must mean that I'm a peaceful figure to you.

Y/N: P-peaceful figure?  I'm sorry if that wasn't supposed to happen.

Goemon chuckled gently: It's alright, I do not mind. Now, we will go over your first combat lesson out here in the field and forest.

Y/N: And what may this be?

Goemon bent at his knees hidden by his hakama, he unsheathed his Zantesuken from his light wooden casing, his blade reflected.

Goemon: Defending yourself...










~End Scene~

Lupin the Third - Goemon's Bladeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें