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Ajisaika Kamado [竈門 紫陽花佳 Kamado Ajisaika]

Also Known As:

✾ Ajisai-Chan [Nickname]
✾ Aji-Chan [Nickname]



Hair Colour
Black & Pink

Eye Colour
Light Pink

Skin Colour

28th December



157cm [5'2]


✾ Kamado Tanjuro [father]
✾ Kamado Kie [mother]
✾ Kamado Tanjiro [elder brother]
✾ Kamado Nezuko [twin sister]
✾ Kamado Takeo [younger brother]
✾ Kamado Hanako [younger sister]
✾ Kamado Shigeru [younger brother]
✾ Kamado Rokuta [younger brother]


✾ Craftswoman [formerly]


✾ Kamado Tanjiro
✾ Kamado Nezuko


✾ Normal: Ajisaika wears a Taisho-style Kimono that consists of a light pink Kimono paired with a darker pink Hakama, which is decorated with pink Hydrangea and long black leather boots with a small heel on the back.
✾ Casual: Ajisaika wears a light pink Kimono with Asanoha pattern with a red-coloured haori over it, embroidered with pink Hydrangea. Her sash is white and red with ichimatsu pattern.


Ajisaika is a fair-skinned young girl with a tall and slender stature for her age. Her cheeks are slightly weighted due to leftover baby fat. She has long, wavy hair that go down to the back of her thighs – they are black on the outside and pink on the inside. Her eyes are pink in colour, normally clear and light but grow darker in shade whenever conflicted.

In addition, Ajisaika has two beauty marks – one on her cheek, right beneath her left eye while the other one is on the nape of her neck. Ajisaika likes to wear her hair up in an elaborate bun, leaving out a cascade of hair on the left side of her face in normal occasions. When she is working, she puts her hair up in a high ponytail.

More often than not, Ajisaika likes to decorate her hair and clothing with the pink hydrangea flower after which she had been named by her father.


As a child, Ajisaika was very outgoing, reckless and fierce, being the favourite daughter of her father. However, following the passing of her father, Ajisaika has grown emotionally and repressed herself.

Ajisaika is extremely perceptive, keeping her cool even in the most upsetting of occasions and is able to think clearly under pressure. She is quiet and calculating yet can be openly loving and forgiving. She dislikes snoop-ish behaviour and avoids owing anyone with any debt.

However, beneath the surface, Ajisaika has an indomitable spirit with dead-set determination. She also harbours a cold fire within herself. She herself finds it very struggling to comprehend at times.

Alternatively, Ajisaika can be very headstrong, direct and stubborn. She is also very fearless and fiercely protective of her family – to the point of fighting others who hurt or berate them.


✾ Ajisaika's first name is broken down into four parts: '紫' for purple, '陽' for sun, '花' for flower, '佳' for beautiful/lovely. Ajisai is the Japanese name for hydrangea flowers.

✾ Her surname 'Kamado' is broken down into two parts: '竈' for charcoal-fuelled furnace, '門' for door. It is a reference to her family's occupation.

✾ Ajisaika has a very perceptive set of eyes, allowing her to observe great distances, focus on any change in the environment and comprehend movements clearly.

✾ Ajisaika's statement symbol is pink hydrangea and the colour rosewood red.

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